Personality: Page 6
Hustler, Prodigy or Visionary? What Kind of Entrepreneur Are You? (Infographic)
Most successful entrepreneurs fit into one of the following six profiles.
How Myers Briggs Predicts Your Entrepreneurial Calling
The more you delve into psychology the more you'll realize you didn't choose to be an entrepreneur, you were born to be an entrepreneur.
How To Hire High-Performing Salespeople For Your Business
Hiring the right sales team is critical to an organization's success.
10 Reasons Why Personality And Behavior Assessments Will Gain Prominence In Human Capital Management
In the journey of an employee, personality and behavior assessments play an important role at crucial stages.
9 Traits of a Highly Sensitive Person
Sensitive people get a bad rap, but research shows there are advantages to being born this way. Find out if you or someone you know are highly sensitive.
3 Reputation Lessons From Peyton Manning's NFL Retirement
The legendary quarterback's career was exemplary off the field, as well.
5 Questions That Reveal the Personality of Someone You've Just Met
Who is her hero? What books has he read? What is her dream job? Probe deeper to learn more.
The 5 Characteristics of True Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs aren't like everyone else.
4 Ways Your Startup Can Make a Lasting Impression
It's imperative to make a good first impression but, surprisingly, it's not all that hard to do.
Develop These 7 Skills to Become a More Influential Person
Each one of us has our own skills and talents, and we too can develop them and propel ourselves into positions of influence.
3 Ways to Interact With Others That Will Make You More Charismatic
By harnessing and developing positive substitutes to these turn-off traits, anyone can add to their charm and interpersonal effectiveness.
The New TLC: Trustworthy, Likable and Charismatic
For those not naturally charming, learn to 'trigger talk.'
Dating App Hinge Now Lets Users Connect Over 'Shared Events,' Including Being Suspended From School
The new feature, called Story Cards, provides potential icebreakers for users who match on its app.
Are You 'Intelligent' Enough to Be an Entrepreneur?
Running a business successfully does not require 'book smarts.' Here are eight types of intelligence that help lead you to success.
To Avoid Hiring a Toxic Employee, Look for These 6 Qualities (Infographic)
A toxic hire can cost a company time and money, so finding workers with these characteristics is vital.