Pinterest: Page 9

Social Media

Pinterest Marketing Tips: What You Can Learn From 20 Big Brands

Not sure what you're doing on Pinterest? These companies have it down and offer some useful marketing ideas you can use.

Social Media

3 Ways to Boost Your Social ROI

These free tools and tested techniques can help you increase your return on your social investment.

Social Media

How to Keep Your Pinterest Boards Fresh, Fun and Relevant

Making sure your social media content is fresh and new is challenging. Here are a few editing tips to help keep your Pinterest boards inventive and interesting.

Social Media

As Social Media Becomes More Visual, a Tool for Analyzing Image Engagement

Curalate uses image recognition software to give marketers more insight into their Instagram and Pinterest posts.

Social Media

Social Media Service HootSuite Raises $165 Million in Big Financing Round

Hootsuite raised $165 million in a round of financing, Facebook introduced post embedding and more social-media news that broke this week.

Social Media

3 Ways Pinterest is Shaping Its Future

The popular image-sharing site looks toward improved search results and expanding its ecommerce capabilities.

Business News

How You Can Create the 'Perfect' Social Media Post (Infographic)

You can get more social-media fans and engagement if you follow these guidelines for Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+.

Social Media

Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest Said to Drive In-Store and Online Sales

Read about how social networks are helping brick-and-mortar stores, why WeHeartIt might be the next Pinterest, chat rooms on Facebook and more social-media news.

Social Media

How Your Pinterest Descriptions Can Attract Customers

If you want to increase traffic to your Pinterest account, follow these tips for writing compelling pin descriptions that will pique your audience's interest and optimize your pins for search.


Move Over, Facebook: Why Your Business Needs to Be on Pinterest

More than other social networks, potential customers use Pinterest to decide what to buy.

Social Media

Facebook to Simplify and Consolidate Its Ad Options

Facebook's new plans for advertising, Twitter's Vine app for Android, the value of geo-targeted tweets and more social-media news.

Social Media

6 Essential Criteria Your Pinterest Pins Should Meet

Find out how to select content for your business's Pinterest boards that will help define your business and your brand.

Social Media

9 Ways to Build Your Pinterest Audience

Being strategic about how you use Pinterest will help you grow your following considerably. Here are nine easy tactics to help you gain an audience.

Social Media

Pinterest Pins Will Promote Product Pricing, Availability and Retail Location

The 'Pin It' button will also be available over mobile apps, the popular social network says.

Social Media

New to Pinterest? 10 Ways To Add it To Your Marketing Strategy (Infographic)

Use Pinterest strategically and it could be a valuable marketing tool. Here are 10 ways to make the most of the platform.