Positive Thinking: Page 5

Thought Leaders

5 Ways to Leverage Your Pain, Disappointments and Hurt

Why do you believe what you believe? Once you start asking questions, your outlook may change.

Growing a Business

How Negativity Can Help Propel You to Success

In a Facebook Live, high-performance coach Todd Herman explains that being positive can hinder your chance of success.

Growing a Business

Positive Thinking Is an Obstacle to Achieving Your Goals

Daydreaming about your future puts your body into a position where it's harder to get what you want.

Growing a Business

The Bright Side of Negative Thinking

Despite what we're often told, positive thinking may not be conducive to meeting one's goals. In fact, you're probably better off visualizing obstacles.

Growing a Business

Positive Thinking Could Get in the Way of Your Goals

Instead of daydreaming your way to success, use the WOOP strategy.

Thought Leaders

Here's How to Keep This Negative World From Winning

Don't let the fear stop you from becoming phenomenal in your life and business.

Thought Leaders

Thanksgiving Is a Reminder to Appreciate Your Staff

See the good in everyone, and let them know how much you value them.


8 Mindsets That Will Set You on the Path to Success

Open up to new ways of thinking and you'll achieve the positive mindset critical to success.

Thought Leaders

6 Tips for Goal-Setting That, Trust Me, They Don't Teach You in College

Your goals will not achieve themselves and will regrettably require your vigorous participation.

Growing a Business

How to Turn Negative Experiences Around and Thrive

Staying strong when things are bad is a powerful way to ignite your personal growth.

Growth Strategies

Positive Thinking For Success? No, Not Always!

This is what will give you strength to face someone who is strong, mighty and has a very successful winning track record.

Growing a Business

4 Tips for a Happy Exit From the Company You Founded and Love

Selling your startup is something to celebrate. Complaining dishonors the awesomeness of the journey.


All I Really Need To Know About Business I Learned as a 12-Year-Old Disc Jockey

Those early days spinning records provided a sound business foundation for an entrepreneur to use later in life.

Starting a Business

To Succeed as an Entrepreneur Integrate These 5 Habits Into Your Routine

Perfect takes practice, so start following these positive steps of entrepreneurship daily and you'll soon see your business flourish.


Leadership Is Learned From Experience, Mentoring and Failure

Follow these eight tips to move from entrepreneur to business leader.