Positive Thinking: Page 7


Where you put your mind is where you end up!

By practising development of your own consciousness, you would attract circumstances around you, which were bright, happy & positive.

Making a Change

How Positivity Makes You Healthy and Successful

Pessimism is trouble because it's bad for your health and your performance. Here's how to avoid it.

Thought Leaders

How to Recognize the Good in Every Situation Without Kidding Yourself

Frustration is what happens when you set difficult goals. Boredom is what happens when you are slowly achieving them.

Growing a Business

6 Ways Forward When Your Path Is Uncertain

Life has no guarantees but there are ways to make the better outcome more likely.

Making a Change

When Failure Strikes, Protect Yourself By Being Positive in These 3 Areas

We have a choice whether we direct our focus on the negative or positive, and whichever one we decide to focus on greatly determines where we are headed.

Growing a Business

Why Affirmations Have Failed You and 4 Steps to Change That

Affirmations work, it's wishful thinking that doesn't.

Business News

Perhaps It's Time to Adjust Your 'Internal Soundtrack'

Here's how to get your mindset and attitude on a more positive track.


It's Time to Fall in Love With Your Business Again

Keep the passion alive that motivated you to start your business by remembering where you began and celebrating how far you've come.

Thought Leaders

Here Are 5 Ways to Achieve a Positive State of Mind

As an entrepreneur, one of my most important keys to success is staying positive -- especially when facing the inevitable obstacles of running a business.


Want to Be Successful? Quit Being So Positive.

If you're the type of person who only sees the bright side of life, be prepared to not be able to face the reality you need.


Solitude Can Be Your Most Powerful Thinking Tool

Life can be hectic at times and get the best of us. Find time to be alone with your thoughts and find solutions.


5 Thoughts That Crush Success

Change your self-talk to lead you to triumph in business.


4 Ways You Are Your Own Worst Enemy

Reframe the ways you address your entrepreneur self. You'll be surprised by the power of your pep talk.

Health & Wellness

How Successful People Deal With Stress

Research has shown that some stress is good for us. Too much stress, however, can have serious psychological and physiological repercussions.

Starting a Business

How to Redefine Failure so You're Not Crippled by It

It can be as simple as thinking about the word differently or changing your focus.