Positivity: Page 6

Growth Strategies

What It Means to be a Woman Chef in India ?

Vaswani shared that being a chef is never an easy job but yet there is so much that one can accomplish.

Business News

YouTube Pledges $5 Million to Fund 'Positive' Videos

Following the Logan Paul 'suicide forest' video controversy, YouTube this week promised to spend $5 million this year funding videos that promote positive social messages.


This Photographer's Distinctive Food Art Often Gets Stolen. Here's How She Stands Up for Herself and Stays Positive.

Brittany Wright of @wrightkitchen built a business around Instagram, but she's seeking ways to reclaim ownership of her work that's been lifted from the platform.


The Universe Is in Your Favor -- Even If Your Parachute Doesn't Open

Understand that everything will come to you in the right way at the perfect time.

Thought Leaders

10 Inspirational Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read More Than Once

You'll uncover countless gems in these classics.


8 Actions You Can Take to Be Happier at Work Without Changing Jobs

Tidying up your perspective and habits goes a long way toward preventing the stresses that plague modern life.

Thought Leaders

10 Things Successful People Tell Themselves Every Day

How to maintain a more positive mindset in the workplace.

Growth Strategies

#6 Tips For Creating A Happy Workplace

Office culture in today's industries is actively thriving, as companies introduce and market themselves as 'weird' or a 'dysfunctional family'.

Thought Leaders

3 Powerful Ways to Stay Positive

It's hard to find the motivation to focus on the positive when positivity seems like nothing more than wishful thinking.

Thought Leaders

You Can Reprogram Yourself to Be a Positive Person and You Should

Rational optimists are much more in touch with reality than chronic pessimists.


The Amazing Lesson of the Pope's No Complaining Sign

Look for solutions, not roadblocks

Business News

How I Use Faith and Positivity to Thrive

'When we don't believe in anything, that's when things get scary.'

Thought Leaders

You're More Likely to Succeed If You Enjoy the Process

Personal goals make work life grand.

Thought Leaders

5 Ways to Rewire Your Brain to Be Positive

How to train yourself to be happier.

Business News

A Successful Life Starts With a Positive Mindset

Living a happy, positive life is actually really simple.