Positivity: Page 7

Making a Change

How Solitary Confinement Gave Me Clarity

Being forced into an adverse situation and spending months thinking about my past actions and mistakes encouraged me to take pause and truly consider what it was that I wanted out of life.

Thought Leaders

Why Negativity Ruins More Good Ideas Than Anything Else (and 5 Tips to Avoid It)

Don't let negative people or encounters get in the way of your ultimate success.

Making a Change

Keys to Driving Massive Success in the Face of Adversity Learned From My Time in Prison

When life hits you hard, you can do two things: give up, or make the most of it.

Thought Leaders

You Can Train Your Mind to Be More Positive: Here's How

There's a big difference between the "doers" and "thinkers" of the world. Which one would you rather be?

Business News

8 Ways to Train Your Brain to Become More Positive

When our brains go negative that can eat away at our productivity, creativity and decision-making skills.

Growth Strategies

#5 Things That Employers Look For During Placements

With the changing times and demands, college GPAs and reputations are not the main criteria for selection.


Don't Count on 4-Leaf Clovers: 10 Ways to Make Your Own Luck

The less you leave to chance the luckier you're likely to be.


Why Giving is an Excellent Way to Show Your Expertise and Talent

You can give your knowledge, expertise, time, love, compliments, smiles, kindness, and something more.


#5 Tricks To Make Your Dreams Come True

Many individuals need to enhance their lives and mental prosperity so they can live more casual, glad lives.


#6 Anecdotes From an Entrepreneur's Journey

All Entrepreneurs go through a journey and have several anecdotes to narrate


10 Lessons From Daily Life About Making Habits Stick

Better habits start with understanding why we want to change and what we stand to gain.

Growing a Business

15 Ways to Drown Out the Destructive Voices in Your Head

Here are strategies to silence your overly critical internal monologue and help you reach your goals.

Growing a Business

How Negativity Can Help Propel You to Success

In a Facebook Live, high-performance coach Todd Herman explains that being positive can hinder your chance of success.

Growing a Business

Positive Thinking Is an Obstacle to Achieving Your Goals

Daydreaming about your future puts your body into a position where it's harder to get what you want.

Making a Change

7 Tips for Replacing Bad Habits with Positive Habits

How to create a happy life by implementing "The Slight Edge" philosophy.