PR businesses: Page 2

Starting a Business

My Love Affair With Comfort and Why I Had to End It

Many who become entrepreneurs are self-starters, others need a little nudge -- still others, an ultimatum.


PR for Tech Startups: the Who, When, Why, How and How Much

How to pick the right PR person, firm or agency.

Business News

5 Cases of PR Done Right (Infographic)

As social media makes even the smallest brand mistakes highly visible, smart reputation management is more important than ever. Here are five cases where brands got it right.


Hello, 'Waffogato': Has the Cronut-Creator Gone Too Far for PR?

Pastry chef Dominique Ansel may have turned out one too many buzz-friendly mashups to be taken seriously.

Social Media

How to Separate the PR Pros from the Posers

With the world of media constantly changing, public relations expert Ivan Ristic gives us the lowdown of what makes a good PR person in today's landscape.

Social Media

How to Make Company Announcements in Buzzworthy Ways

With J. Crew debuting a new catalog on Pinterest and MTV announcing its Video Music Award nominees on Instagram and Vine, it seems relying solely on press releases is a strategy of the past.

Business News

How to Get the Most From Your PR Firm

These eight tips can enrich a startup's experience with a public relations agency.

Business News

5 PR Tips From Bond, James Bond

The fictional British spy, code name 007, offers some helpful -- if lighthearted -- reminders for how to promote a business.

Starting a Business

How PowerVoice Is Cashing In on Paid Tweets

PowerVoice enables social media personalities to promote brands for bucks.