I'm Used to Working 16-hour Days — Here's How I Ensure Every Minute is Spent Productively
This systematic approach has allowed me to keep burnout at bay and always bring my A-game, whether it's an early-morning team standup or a late-night investor call
3 Vision Board Alternatives You Must Try
Vision boards are a woefully misunderstood practice. A practice that can impede your progress toward your goals!
The Incredible Potential of Daily Practice
Making time for small sessions of study, exercise, or a larger project delivers meaningful, sustainable progress
4 Life Lessons I Learned From My Short Stint as a Pro Wrestler
Never forget the basics.
Arbitration – White Elephant of Dispute Settlement
Arbitration seems simple, easy, and cost-effective, the process is full of practical demerits which remain disguised until the parties come to know that they had spent a lot but results are still unsatisfactory
Why Deliberate Practice Matters for Entrepreneurs
Real improvement requires short bursts of focused learning and concentration.
Don't Let All Your Efforts Go to Waste Because You Lost Momentum
Being intentional with the way you practice skills is the best way to avoid the "zero effect."
3 Ways Millionaires Think Differently Than You
Changing your mindset changes everything else.
Why Giving is an Excellent Way to Show Your Expertise and Talent
You can give your knowledge, expertise, time, love, compliments, smiles, kindness, and something more.
The 6 Secrets for Turning Hard Work Into Elite Results
Long hours of work yield little without focus and strategy but you can change that starting today.
#5 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from the Game of Football
A successful entrepreneur is one who understands the goals, defines his vision, and envisions a winning strategy.
7 Activities That Sharpen Your Practical Intelligence
Learn by doing with these fun and brain expanding activities.
Why You Should Embrace Your Inner Amateur
Fear of making mistakes is crippling your progress.
By Failing to Prepare, You Are Indeed Preparing to Fail
Ben Franklin was right. You cannot simply fake it 'till you make it. Here's why.