Pricing: Page 9

Growing a Business

3 Fears That Keep Your Business From Growth

It requires courage to choose the entrepreneurial path, and more courage is needed to see how far it leads.

Growing a Business

How to Set Prices When You're New in Business

Among the most nerve-wracking decisions when starting out is how much to charge. Researching the market and accurately tallying costs has a calming effect.

Growing a Business

The Price Is Right: Turning a Profit in the Event Planning Business

Learn how to set prices that are high enough to keep your profitable but not high enough to scare away prospective customers.

Thought Leaders

What Creatives Can Do About Feeling Undervalued and Underpaid

Don't be dismissive of the ideas and connections your brain makes. They hold a lot of value.

Resumes & Interviewing

Think Hillary's Bad? Here Are 5 'Ethical' Mistakes Business Owners Regularly Make.

Most of us don't operate outside of the law. Sometimes, we make choices that would be considered unethical by some, yet perfectly appropriate by others.

Starting a Business

A 5-Step Reality Check for Inventors

The only easy parts of developing an invention are underestimating the costs and over-estimating the market.


Should You Consider Hiring a Crowdfunding Consultant?

These advisers can be invaluable members of your team, or a complete waste of money. Ask these questions before making a decision.

Growing a Business

8 Pointers for Setting a Price in Negotiations

This numeric value is super critical as it affects the profit you'll get from a deal.

Growing a Business

Evaluating the Merits of Building Negotiating Into Your Prices

The "one price fits all" philosophy does not work in all industries and under all circumstances.

Growing a Business

Don't Be the Cheapest, Be the Best

When pricing your product or service, instead of sweating the pennies, look at how you can charge more by offering a better quality experience for your customer.

Business News

The Other Products Falling Oil Prices Are Making Cheaper

Paying under $2 a gallon for gas? Ka-ching! But gasoline is not the only product that gets less expensive when the price of crude oil falls.

Growing a Business

5 Mistakes Successful Entrepreneurs Don't Make Twice

Nobody gets everything right the first time around but some lessons should only need to be given once.

Business News

8 Psychological Triggers to Optimize Your Pricing Page

Since emotions and psychological triggers influence purchasing behavior, pricing pages should meet those needs. Here's how.


How Much Should You Give Away for Free During a Coffee Meeting?

It is important to remember that your time is money. Your time and expertise are valuable commodities that you should monitor carefully.


The Biggest Lessons I Learned Working Solo in 2014

From limited partnerships, knowing your worth to effective time management.