Programmers: Page 6

Science & Technology

Co-Founder of Square Wants to Save St. Louis, One Programmer at a Time

Jim McKelvey has launched a non-profit mission to get programmers and coders employment-ready in St. Louis.

Business News

How to Become a Technical Co-Founder on the Quick

A four-year computer science degree is so yesterday. These intensive programs can turn you into a developer in under 12 weeks.

Business News

Teaching Kids to Code With Youth Digital

With a heightened emphasis on learning to code, Youth Digital wants to help the next generation of young entrepreneurs succeed.

Business News

Can't Code? 4 Tips for the Non-Techie Young 'Trep

Student entrepreneur David Gabeau on why computer-programming experience isn't critical to launching a successful tech startup.

Science & Technology

Teaching Girls to Code

A failed congressional campaign inspired Reshma Saujani to launch Girls Who Code, a non-profit that seeks to address the gender gap in technology.

Science & Technology

5 Ways to Communicate Better With Software Developers

These tools can help you illustrate how you want your website or mobile app to function.

Resumes & Interviewing

Hackathon Hiring: How to Scout for Coders with Confidence

Some advice to help you mingle with and recruit coders for your growing team.

Science & Technology

Do You Really Need to Code?

Online classes and night-school courses in programming are hot. But whether entrepreneurs need to be fluent in computer code is still open to debate.

Operations & Logistics

How to Recruit a Great Programmer as a Partner

Follow these three steps to land a top-notch software engineer for your tech startup.