shepreneurs: Page 8

Women Entrepreneur®

#Yumpreneurs: Women Expanding the Ranks of the Food Industry

How does the screen look when women transition from food-cooking to food-managing?

Women Entrepreneur®

How to Ensure that the Legacy of Women Entrepreneurship Lives on?

So how can one ensure that budding, women entrepreneurs continue to find voices, platforms and people to support and provide avenues to fulfil their aspirations?

Women Entrepreneur®

#Shepreneurs: Women Raising the Bar in Real Estate

Real estate is one of the hottest sectors when it comes to investment, with the growing awareness among millennials and thanks to Warren Buffet's quotes on having more than one source of income, millennials' newfound keen interest in the sector is not surprising at all

Women Entrepreneur®

#Shepreneurs: Women Leaders Are Breaking the Glass Ceiling by Choosing Unconventional Professions

Entrepreneur India explores what inspires Indian women to take a plunge into unconventional fields

Women Entrepreneur®

#Shepreneurs: These 3 Key Parameters Are Bridging the Gender Gap in Board Room

Women are competing men in all spheres of life. Here's how competence and self-belief can bridge the gender gap in decision-making

Women Entrepreneur®

What Inspires These 10 Women Entrepreneurs?

10 women entrepreneurs share their favourite quotes of popular women personalities; here is everything that will change your life today!

Women Entrepreneur®

#Shepreneurs: Women Who Refused to Fit into the Paradigms of Society

Here are women who broke the constructs of shapes, sizes, breaks, comebacks, beauty, nepotism and proved that what women can do or not do is just a mythical statement because truth is, that there is no end to what a woman is capable of!

Women Entrepreneur®

#Shepreneurs: How to Combat Insecurity in a Male-Dominated Business Ecosystem

As part of Entrepreneur India's Shepreneur series, women leaders from the world of entrepreneurship and the business world talk about ways to combat insecurity

Women Entrepreneur®

#Shepreneurs: 4 Fundraising Obstacles Women Must Keep in Mind

Raising funds is not an easy task, especially when you are a woman, here's what should consider before going for external investments

Women Entrepreneur®

#Shepreneurs: Women Wooing the World of Entertainment

After fighting tough battles, standing still amidst raging storms, women film-makers, actresses and behind-the-scenes pillars have woven beautiful stories for the world to see

Women Entrepreneur®

#Shepreneurs: How Entrepreneurs Can Create a Progressive Work Environment for Employees?

Focusing on the larger purpose of girl's education, this Indian community is teaching us the value of societal service. Focusing on the larger purpose of girl's education, this Indian community is teaching us the value of societal service

Women Entrepreneur®

How a Last Mile Delivery Startup's Founder Made into Entrepreneur's 35U35 List

FM focuses on helping rural households by creating access to clean energy products that improve their lives.

Women Entrepreneur®

#Shepreneurs: Women Entrepreneurs have Found a Common Favourite! Guess Who?

When asked to share their role models among women, a name that was picked up by most of the women entrepreneurs is…

Women Entrepreneur®

What Inspires These 25 Women Entrepreneurs?

25 women entrepreneurs share their favourite quotes of popular women personalities; here is everything that will change your life today!

Women Entrepreneur®

Toppling Patriarchy and Disrupting Tech

As part of Entrepreneur India's Shepreneur series, here is a list of women techpreneurs who talk about disrupting the most dynamic field that exists