Social Media Challenge: Page 2
How to Handle Social-Media Criticism
Sitting at a computer screen, people often get 'keyboard courage,' freely criticizing others without considering ramifications. When this happens to you, here is how to handle it.
5 Tips for Staving Off an Attack From a Special Interest Group
Strategically responding to threats can save your company and elevate your reputation.
How to Correct 3 Major Social-Media Blunders
Social media plays a huge role when developing any sort of brand. If you aren't careful, you could make mistakes that could quickly turn people off.
Oh, the Irony: Coke Slams Social Media Addicts in New Viral Video
Coca-Cola's solution for society's intensifying gadget addiction involves a cone collar that prevents you from fixating on your phone -- but not from drinking Coke.
Survey Points to Challenges Entrepreneurs Face When Using Social Media
One in four small-business owners plan to spend most of their investment dollars on social media, online advertising and marketing this spring, according to a recent Manta survey. Here are two challenges they face and how to best address them.
The Social Media Challenge: The Results
We blended a team of digital marketing experts with an old-school rib joint to see if social media can really work.