Sony: Page 5

Science & Technology

Sony to Launch Streaming TV Service in Two Weeks

The entertainment juggernaut will reportedly roll out its inaugural cord-cutter offering in Chicago, New York and Philadelphia.

Business News

A Way to Waterproof Your iPhone? Apple Is Looking Into It.

The Cupertino, Calif.-based colossus is looking for a way to make its smartphones, tablets and laptops resistant to the kiss of death for electronics: moisture.

Business News

In Growth Strategy, Tech Giant Sony Could Stop Selling TVs and Smartphones

Sony aims to boost operating profit 25-fold within three years.

Business News

U.S. to Establish New Cybersecurity Agency

A senior Obama official says the new agency will monitor cybersecurity threats, pooling and analyzing information on a spectrum of diffuse risks.

Business News

To Fight Hackers, Obama Wants Companies to Share Threats

The U.S. president is expected to announce a renewed push for cybersecurity legislation after recent headline-grabbing hacks against companies like Sony Pictures and Home Depot.

Science & Technology

7 Basics for Keeping Your Company's Data Safe

Data breaches are costly in money and reputation. Before looking for exotic measures, make sure you have the fundamentals covered.

Business News

Sony Is Bringing Back the Walkman (Again)

Interested? That will be $1,119.99.

Business News

Under Pressure: 7 CEOs With Huge Hurdles to Overcome This Year

From Yahoo's Marissa Mayer to Uber's Travis Kalanick, these top execs have their work cut out for them in 2015.

Business News

How Sony Employees Reacted Immediately After the Hack

Employees relied on phones and note pads to reach one another, and paychecks had to be cut manually using an old machine.

Business News

North Korea Had Help With Sony Hack, Investigators Say

An official close to the ongoing investigation says that some aspects of the hack were beyond North Korea's abilities.

Science & Technology

3 Lessons From Sony Pictures Cautionary Tale

Here are three key takeaways from the hack, and what you can do to avoid these mistakes.

Business News

'The Interview' Earns $18 Million in Opening Weekend

The embattled film became the No. 1 online movie in Sony's history.

Data & Recovery

Grinchy Hackers Spoil Christmas for Xbox and PlayStation Gamers Everywhere

How the Lizard Squad stole Christmas from millions of gaming fans.

Data & Recovery

How Sony Could Have Won a No-Win Situation

Sony's reaction to the cyber attack against "The Interview" caused far more harm than anything the hackers leaked.

Business News

'The Interview' Draws Sell-Out Crowds

The film opened in more than 300 movie theaters across the U.S. on Christmas Day, drawing crowds of people who said they were championing freedom of expression.