Steve Jobs

Business News

Former Steve Jobs Intern Says This Is How He Would Have Approached AI

The former intern is now the CEO of AI and data company DataStax.


Tim Cook y la lección que transformó su liderazgo: la flexibilidad de Steve Jobs

El actual CEO de Apple reveló cómo la apertura mental de Steve Jobs marcó el rumbo de la compañía.


¡Choque de titanes! Yates de Steve Jobs y Ricardo Salinas se impactan en Italia

El empresario mexicano relató lo sucedido en redes sociales e invitó a la gente a comprar productos Apple en Elektra.


El consejo de Steve Jobs que cambió la historia de Starbucks

El ex CEO de la cadena de cafeterías narró que Steve Jobs le dio un consejo poco convencional, pero contundente.

Business News

Tim Cook Explains Why Steve Jobs Pulling the First MacBook Air Out of an Envelope Was 'a Huge Moment' for Apple

Steve Jobs famously introduced the world to the MacBook Air in 2008.


Steve Jobs' 3 Public Speaking Power Moves Remain Just as Relevant Today, 13 Years After His Final Keynote at the Apple Developers Conference

The co-founder and former CEO of Apple knew how to get big ideas across to consumers and investors.


Elon Musk muestra su admiración por Steve Jobs al compartir un video de 1995 en el que habla del esfuerzo y la innovación

A lo largo del tiempo, Elon Musk ha expresado y demostrado la admiración que siente por Steve Jobs, el cofundador de Apple.

Growing a Business

Want to Be the Next Apple? Here's the Secret Sauce Used By Steve Jobs to Build Consumer Trust.

There are many marketing and branding strategies out there — but here's the one Steve Jobs used grow Apple.

Growing a Business

How to Build a 'Brand Vault' For Your Business – With a Little Help From Steve Jobs

No matter how big or small your business is, use Steve Jobs' philosophy to get greater customer satisfaction.

Growing a Business

Here's How Steve Jobs Dealt With Negative Press and Avoided Brand Disasters

The best way to grow your bank account is to avoid major withdrawals. The same can be said about your brand.


I Attended an Ivy League University's Most Popular MBA Leadership Class and Learned How Steve Jobs Became a Better Leader in 10 Minutes

Professor Hitendra Wadhwa wrote the literal book on looking inward to find outward success.