Steve Jobs: Page 4

Business News

Apple CEO Tim Cook Hits Billionaire Status

Unlike several other big tech CEOs, Cook is not a founder-CEO, so his net worth is considerably lower than some of his peers.


iPhone 12 Leaks: Here's What the Makers Have in Store for You

The new iPhone brings tons of new features that will leave you impressed


Need A Dose Of Inspiration? These Quotes From 10 Of The World's Most Successful Entrepreneurs Can Help

Whether it's through someone they've met, or through a book they read, inspiration can, for most of us at least, help lay a roadmap to success.


iPhone 12 Leaks: Everything We Know about Apple's Upcoming 5 Models

The trio of iPhone 12 lineups will be announced during Apple's annual event in September 2020


iPhone Prices Drop In India, Here's How Much iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro And Others Will Cost Now

The launch of iPhone 11, Pro and Max brings down the price of other iPhone models in India


Apple iPhone 11 Series Goes Big With Camera & Here's How It Looks

Apple's latest iPhone 11 series is out and here's what we have to say about the phones


Everything You Need To Know About iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, and iPhone 11 Pro Max

Keeping the price the same, the iPhone will start at $749 in the US and the features of the phone will be a lot similar to XR

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სტივ ჯობსის ცხოვრების 20 გადამწყვეტი მომენტი

Entrepreneur ამერიკის ერთ-ერთი უდიდესი ინოვატორის ცხოვრების მნიშვნელოვან დეტალებს იხსენებს


10 Entertaining Business Documentaries Entrepreneurs Can Learn From

Documentaries are how you chill with a movie and come away smarter.


How 'Failing Up' Actually Helps Your Reputation

It takes more than success to build a memorable personal brand.

Growth Strategies

Celebrating Failure: The Way to Success

Needless to say these are 2 sides of the same coin but the 2 sides are not identical, one is Heads, the other something else

Growth Strategies

Here's Why Customer Experience is the Driving Force for Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs

Customer experience can change the fortunes of a company and Bezos, Gates and Jobs are the best examples to take lessons from


Key Entrepreneurial Takeaways from the Life of Steve Jobs

On his 64th birthday, entrepreneurs share key takeaways from the life of the most revolutionary man in the tech world