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5 Must-read Books for Budding Entrepreneurs!

Reading is a great tool for self-growth. In fact, a study has found that most CEOs read four to five books a month, but this goal can be difficult for young entrepreneurs

News and Trends

Tracing the Impact of Women Bullies At Workplace

'Queen Bee' mischief manifests in ways that can have lasting impact on individual careers and entire organizations, says expert

News and Trends

Wrong Phrases In Your Email Could Cost You Your Job

Email is the most commonly used method for communicating with colleagues, says a study

News and Trends

Married or Single Parent: Who Faces More Workplace Bias?

Mothers and fathers experience different biases at work, with mothers being penalized and fathers benefitting from their parenthood status


Turns Out, Those Who Like Being Alone Can Be More Creative

Why taking time for solitude benefits you and your brain.

News and Trends

You are Creative & Smarter, if You're Daydreaming at Work

Frequent daydreaming scores higher intellectual and creative level with the brain says researchers

Growing a Business

What's on Deck For Your Professional Development?

Getting your career on an upward trajectory involves everything from maintaining credentials to bolstering your network. Create a plan and execute it.


How Online Surveys in Market Research are Driving Change

Online surveys are replacing telephone or traditional pen & paper interviews as the dominant data collection tool


Digital Media May Be Hindering Your Ability to Think Abstractly, Study Says

Here's another justification for all those physical books you've recently acquired.