Succession Planning: Page 5


Acting on Ideas and Other Tips This Week

How to get beyond brainstorming, beat procrastination and find more permanent customers: our best tips of the week.


Your Business Without You: 4 Steps to Finding Your Successor

What you need to do now to ensure leadership continuity in your business.

Business News

6 Tips for Closing the Generation Gap

Small business experts, Adam and Matthew Toren answer readers' top questions about entrepreneurship.

Business News

Could Your Business Survive Without You?

Seventy-five percent of small-business owners have no real succession plan -- a potential recipe for disaster. This entrepreneur's accidental fate tells a cautionary tale.


How to Create a Succession Plan for a Franchise Business

Passing a franchise from one generation to the next can be fraught with complexities. A smart succession plan will ease the transition.


Are You Irreplaceable?

How to make sure your business can thrive without you, and five steps to get there.

Operations & Logistics

Tips For Planning an Exit from Your Small Business

If you're thinking about leaving your business behind, some careful planning up front can make it a smooth transition that ensures your company thrives after you're gone.


Is Your Family Fit to Run the Family Business?

Check your emotions at the door before turning your company over to the next generation.

Money & Finance

Smart Succession-Planning Strategies

If you haven't thought about what will happen to your business if you're no longer able to run it, these tips will get you thinking about the best plan to put in place.


Successful Succession Planning

When it's time to think about retiring from your business, these tips will help you find the best person to take over your job.