Tablets: Page 9

Science & Technology

For Phablet Fans, Samsung to Release 6.3-Inch 'Galaxy Mega' in U.S.

It's not called 'Mega' for nothing. This device is a big smartphone to behold.

Business News

How Android Grew to Be More Popular Than the iPhone

A look at the rise of Google's mobile operating system.

Business News

14 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do With Your iPad

A look at the tablet's less well-known features and capabilities that you might find useful.


This Tablet Is So Hands-Free You Can Control It With Your Brain

A research project from tech giant Samsung could provide new ways to interact with mobile devices.

Science & Technology

Commitment Phobe? Wireless Carriers Let Customers Upgrade Mobile Devices After One Year

AT&T and T-Mobile roll out new plans to encourage customers to upgrade their smartphones and tablets more frequently.

Science & Technology

Google Releases New Maps App for Smartphones and Tablets

The tech giant has redesigned its popular mobile app for navigation.

Business News

Tablet Wars: Barnes & Noble to Stop Manufacturing the Nook

The book seller says sales of its color tablets are down more than 30 percent.

Science & Technology

Lawmakers Push for 'Kill Switch' to Deter Smartphone Theft

A new coalition presses Apple, Samsung, Microsoft and others to make devices unusable if stolen.

Science & Technology

iPad, Tablet Point-of-Sale Systems Gain Popularity

More companies are offering point-of-sale systems that work on mobile touch-screen devices.

Business News

Apple CEO Tim Cook Teases the Next Tech 'Game Changers'

At the D: All Things Digital conference, Cook hinted at future Apple products and spoke on issues such as acquisitions and taxes.


Beyond Smartphones: Mobile Innovation That Could Change the Way You Do Business

A look at four types of devices that are pushing the boundaries of mobile capabilities.

Business News

Ready for Windows 8? 4 Touchscreen PCs and Tablets

Tap into Microsoft's touch-driven operating system with these Windows 8 devices.

Business News

11 Reasons Why Guy Kawasaki Thinks Android Is Better Than Apple's iOS

The former Apple evangelist on why he loves Google, plus a look at the gadgets he swears by.

Science & Technology

3 Reasons to Avoid 'Jailbreaking' Mobile Devices for Business

Security becomes a significant issue when employees strip their mobile devices of certain programmed limitations.


The Best Digital Handwriting Tools for Businesses

If you're looking for an app or stylus to digitally capture handwritten notes and drawings, we've found several options.