Talent Management: Page 8

Growth Strategies

Seven Reasons Why A Career Portal Solution Needs To Be Your Top Priority

A career portal solution can make your hiring process a lot smoother, smarter and an easier recruitment experience.

Growth Strategies

E-commerce Talent - On Hire, Again?

As we expect an uptick in sane capital, would the gold rush in attracting talent stage a comeback?

Growth Strategies

Infographic: Middle East and North Africa Talent Competitiveness Index

Put together by INSEAD Business School, Google and the Center for Economic Growth, the report ranks countries on readiness to take advantage of technological change: resulting in UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain ranked as the most well positioned, with Kuwait and Jordan as mixed readiness.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Why Companies Built to Be Acquired Usually Aren't

If you're in it solely for the payday, it shows in your products and your people.

Growth Strategies

Harnessing Human Capital In The Middle East

"People are our greatest asset" is a mantra often trumpeted in labor-intensive, particularly service, sectors, but this has been challenged by commentators such as Anthony Bradley and Mark McDonald in the Harvard Business Review.

Resumes & Interviewing

4 Tactics to Steal From Startups That Find the Best Talent

Only your people can build your brand. Be open to remote workers and new grads who want to grow with you.


Indian Companies Ahead of Global Counterparts in Using Recruitment Technologies

he usage of Applicant tracking systems (53%), Video interviewing (53%), Online assessment (51%) in India is slightly higher than the other countries.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

5 Questions You Must Ask to Keep Your Best and Brightest Talent

Creativity emerges because of our human messiness -- not in spite of it.


9 Ways to Recruit the Best Talent for Your Startup

These are the strategies you need to know to find and keep the best of the best.

Resumes & Interviewing

Boomerang Employees: an Untapped Talent Source?

Former employees already know your business and can produce results from the get-go.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Without Management Standards Your Company Doesn't Know What It's Doing

Businesses need a concrete set of expectations to which every manager is held accountable.

Growing a Business

How to Give Millennials the Employee Development They Want

The future of your company could depend on how well you understand young workers' need for mobility and provide training to help them achieve agreed-upon goals.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

10 Tips for Retaining Top Talent

Planning for shorter employee tenures is the new normal.

Growth Strategies

The Pursuit Of Talent: Six HR Tools And Technologies Every Business Needs

In an environment where technology is dictating nearly all aspects and operations of a business, the lookout for new tools that can improve existing practices and keep up with market demand is not something to be taken for granted.

Growing a Business

How Extreme Recruiting Is Winning Over Millennial Tech Talent

Businesses pursuing the best and brightest will have to ditch the old-school hiring playbook. Today's tech stars are all about experiential learning -- and they expect companies to keep up.