Target: Page 6

Data & Recovery

P.F. Chang's Says Credit-Card Breach Affected 33 Restaurants

The Asian-themed restaurant chain revealed the breach affected 33 locations across 16 states.

Data & Recovery

Last Week, Brian Cornell Resigned From Pepsi. Now He's Target's New CEO.

He arrives at a precarious time for the company, which is still recovering from last year's massive data breach.

Business News

Are Gun Bans the Right Political Move for Brands?

Target's recent decision to ban guns along with other brands, such as Starbucks, Chili's and Sonic, brings with it impassioned reactions from both sides of the issue.


Target Joins the List of Stores Asking Customers to Keep Guns Out

Following open carry demonstrations, Target has joined a host of other chains in 'respectfully requesting' that customers to leave their guns at home.

Science & Technology

Cyber Safeguard Faces Big Hurdle

Two-factor authentication would make online transactions more secure, but there are issues on both the consumer and business sides.

Operations & Logistics

Target's CMO Admits Culture Problems, Tells Employees 'Truth Will Set You Free'

Target CMO Jeff Jones wrote a blog post on why companies should embrace criticism instead of switching to damage control.


Target's CEO Steps Down. But Why Now?

Target's board praised the way CEO Gregg Steinhafel 'held himself personally accountable' for the company's massive data breach five months ago, but has decided it's time for new leadership.

Business Ideas

Target Is Seriously Expanding Its Online Subscription Service

Target's online subscription service launched in September with just 150 baby-care items. Now, it's increasing its product offering tenfold, offering everything from K-cups to dog food for regular delivery.

Social Media

Porn Accident: US Airways Issues Worst Brand Tweet of All Time

The airline's recent PR nightmare is a reminder to slow down, pay closer attention and think before you tweet.


Target Falls for the Terrifying 'Thigh Gap' Trend and Totally Gets Busted

On the heels of its massive data breach, Target has something else to apologize for. And what it screwed up this time could have girls everywhere feeling even worse about their bodies.

Science & Technology

Target CIO Out Following Data Breach

The retailer is shaking up its digital-security strategy after suffering one of the worst credit-card hacks in history.

Social Media

Target to Collaborate With Top Pinterest Users on Party Collections

The retailer is working with three top 'Pinners' to design party-themed capsule collections that will be sold in stores and online.

Science & Technology

Preventing Another Target Attack

For retailers that don't want to be the next Target or Neiman Marcus, here are three tips they can do to protect themselves.

Science & Technology

Better Late Than Never? Target Accelerating Program to Detect Credit-Card Fraud.

Target's chief financial officer said the retailer is fast-tracking chip-enabled smart cards, which could have been useful in preventing against the company's recent data breach.

Science & Technology

Make It Stop: Yahoo Reports Coordinated Email Hack

As if the data breaches at Target and Neiman Marcus weren't enough, Yahoo has announced that hackers recently broke into Yahoo Mail accounts.