Technology Innovation: Page 9
How Can CIOs and CTOs Spend Increasing IT Budgets?
CIOs and CTOs are increasing their IT budgets due to the need for new technologies.
How to Leverage AI for Maximum Benefits for Your Business
AI writer assistants can help you create content for your business and attract potential new customers.
Experimenting Through Innovation: Kuwait's One Global Is On A Mission To Achieve Holistic Digital Disruption Across The Business Ecosystem
Through its services Og Business and Og Stack, this Kuwait-based digital transformation and innovation company is looking to achieve greater automation of processes and create a decentralized marketplace for the business ecosystem.
5 Predictions for the Future of IT in 2022
A flood of new technology trends and methodologies will find their way into the area of software development in the 2020s and beyond.
Tyson Automating Meat-Processing Plants, Reducing Labor Costs, Improving Efficiency
Tyson, the largest American meat company by sales, said that it has invested around $70 million this year and will invest more than $500 million in 2022 as it automates many labor-intensive sections like deboning chicken products.
Midlife Entrepreneurs Have a Lot of Life Left in Them
They have made an impact over the years, but what is next? It's their turn to fund and lead the next generation of innovation.
Singularity Is Fast Approaching, and It Will Happen First in the Metaverse
Is the metaverse going to change life as we know it? What does this mean for our future?
Why Soft Skills Are a Necessity in the Nearshore Industry
When it comes to software development, the last skills most developers focus on are the soft ones.
Demand for Tech Talent Forces IT Leaders to Adjust Hiring Strategies
Leaders in information technology say they are increasing pay packages and offering flexible work arrangements to deepen the pool of potential employees.
Why an Entrepreneur's Ability to Innovate Will Make (or Break) Future Success
If you're still early in your entrepreneurship career, it's essential to start developing an innovative mindset right away.
3 Things to Consider Before Investing in New Technology for Your Small Business
Don't go shopping just yet.
How to Make Animated Videos That Can Promote Corporate Diversity and Inclusion
Most people agree that diversity and inclusion can help organizations thrive.
The Case for Transparent AI
Uncertainty about the unknown prevents consumers from buying into your business.
How Can AI Improve SEO?
The advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have helped heighten the performance of search engines.
Global Startup Hubs Where Innovation is Thriving
These hubs create a vibrant ecosystem for startup founders.