Theranos: Page 2


La ex directora ejecutiva de Theranos, Elizabeth Holmes, admite inexactitudes en su primera historia de portada importante

El ex director ejecutivo se enfrentó a inexactitudes en un artículo que discutía las capacidades tecnológicas de Theranos.

Business News

Former Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes Admits to Inaccuracies in Her First Major Cover Story

The ex-CEO was confronted with inaccuracies in an article that discussed Theranos' technological capabilities.

Business News

Elizabeth Holmes Unexpectedly Takes the Stand to Defend Herself in Theranos Trial

The disgraced CEO of the now-defunct Theranos will continue her testimony on Monday.


'Mentir y hacer trampa para obtener dinero': comienza el juicio de Elizabeth Holmes en California

El juicio largamente esperado de la ex directora ejecutiva y fundadora de Theranos, Elizabeth Holmes, comenzó el miércoles en San José, California.

Business News

'Lying and Cheating to Get Money': Elizabeth Holmes Trial Begins in California

The long-awaited trial of former Theranos CEO and founder Elizabeth Holmes began Wednesday in San Jose, California.

Business News

The Career Rise and Fall of Theranos Founder Elizabeth Holmes

She will stand trial over 'massive fraud' in July 2020.


What Do Pitching and Investing Look Like In a Post-Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos World?

An entrepreneur and VC share their experiences and insights in the wake of the Theranos scandal that shocked the biotech world.


Theranos: When a Culture of Growth Becomes a Culture of Scam

With a movie and a Hulu series in the works about her, Elizabeth Holmes is still a hot topic -- and a poster child for what entrepreneurs should not do.

Thought Leaders

Elizabeth Holmes, Theranos and the Myth of the Glamorous Entrepreneur

The hard truth about entrepreneurial flexibility and the pursuit of fame and fortune.

Thought Leaders

8 Tips Entrepreneurs Can Take Away From the Theranos Scam and Its Aftermath

Small wonder that HBO is about to release a documentary and Jennifer Lawrence is starring in a dramatic film: Because you can't make this stuff up.

Buying / Investing in Business

Amazon Surges to $1 Trillion. 3 Things to Know Today.

Stay in the know in 60 seconds.

Business News

New Book Details the Spiral of Elizabeth Holmes From Celebrated CEO to Silicon Valley Outcast

Lies and exaggerations are likely to result in the worst sort of exit from your startup.

Business News

How a $9 Billion Startup Deceived Silicon Valley

Author John Carreyrou of 'Bad Blood' -- which documents the rise and fall of Theranos -- explains how Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes got away with deception for as long as she did.

Business News

6 Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn From the Fall of Theranos

Now we know Theranos didn't have brilliant leadership or breakthrough technology, just an abundance of credulous investors.