Travis Kalanick: Page 2

Business News

The Rise and Fall of Uber and Travis Kalanick

From hard-charging rapid growth to constant damage control. What will the company's next chapter look like?

Business News

Why Travis Kalanick's Ouster Is an Uber Disaster

Pushing out the founding CEO in the midst of an existential crisis is a huge misstep.

Business News

Travis Kalanick Stepped Down, But Uber's Problems Won't Be Instantly Solved

It's going to take a lot more to regain customer and employee trust than a symbolic resignation.


Leadership and Teamwork Are How You Avoid Getting Uber'd

It wasn't long ago everybody wanted to be the Uber of their industry. Not any more.

Starting a Business

What The Founder of a Company Cannot Do

Starting a company is not a one-time activity, it's a life-time responsibility.

Business News

Advice for Uber From Branson, Cuban and Others

Getting a level of distance can do a world of good.

Making a Change

Here's What Travis Kalanick (or Anybody) Needs to Do to Take an Effective Leave of Absence

The point of stepping out of the limelight, like the point of going to rehab, is to return a genuinely different and renewed person. It's not a quick process.

Business News

Uber Needs to Recreate its Company Culture. Here's What You Can Learn From Its Mistakes.

Start by treating people with respect. It's as simple as that.

Business News

Read Travis Kalanick's Full Letter to Staff: I Need to Work on Travis 2.0

The CEO of the embattled ride-hailing company announced he is taking a leave of absence.


Travis Kalanick to Take a Leave of Absence. Here Are 9 CEOs Who Were Fired or Decided to Step Down.

The embattled ride-hailing company has faced numerous public relations disasters.


Does Your Reputation Need Rehab?

Even if your product and company are solid, if the consumer's perception of you is negative or damaged, sales of your product and company can suffer.

Business News

The Solution to Uber's Culture Crisis Could be Hiring Veterans

Military service imbues values that every employer hopes new hires have.

Business News

In Defense of Uber, Amazon and Meritocracy

Uber's highly competitive culture has come under fire, just as Amazon's did two years ago. Their critics have it wrong.

Business News

CEO Travis Kalanick Is Officially Looking for Someone to Help Him Run Uber

He's looking to hire a COO to be a peer and partner in Uber's future.

Business News

Travis Kalanick's 'Profound Apology' Is a Cautionary Lesson for Young Founders

The Uber CEO's public angst about berating a driver and confronting sexual harassment allegations reveals the need to grow in personal skills as well as business skills.