Trends: Page 10


4 Strategies to Successfully Onboard New Remote Employees

It can be frustrating at first, but following these tips can help ensure it's done well.


4 Trends In Fundraising That Will Impact the Future of Philanthropy

Increasing the success of your nonprofit requires you to adapt to changes.

Thought Leaders

How Entrepreneurs Are Capitalising on Digital Transformation in the Age of the 'New Normal'

With startup founders finding themselves in a strong position to embrace modern digital practices ahead of more traditional companies, we're likely to see a surge in innovation among post-pandemic businesses.


Global Trends That Will Affect Digital Lending And Payments In India

According to a report, India will contribute 2.2 per cent to the global market of digital payments by 2023

Business News

Why 2021 Has Irreversibly Defined the Future of Electric Vehicles

This seems to be the year in which major manufacturers are committing to an all-electric path.

Business News

A Casino Gets Hacked Through a Fish-Tank Thermometer

Are your fish tanks secure?


5 Ways You Can Use Your Paddle Boards to Make Some Extra Cash

Here's how you can earn a bit of side income while hitting the water this Memorial Day.

Growing a Business

Is Selling on Amazon Still a Profitable Business?

With so many stores out there, here's what you can do to stand out and be successful.

News and Trends

Second Homes Or Holiday Homes Will Gain Traction In the Near Future

Renewed interest is likely in properties at hill stations/beach front properties or vacation homes in countryside

Business News

A Look at Telemedicine as a Tool for Cities to Fight Coronavirus

Let's examine the factors that influence the uptake and implementation of telemedicine in the Covid-19 era and the opportunity for European cities, governments, businesses, and nonprofits alike.

Growing a Business

3 Ways You Can Start Relying on Deep Learning

Don't miss out on the chance to free up your team, win loyalists and delight customers.


A Game Plan for Introducing Flexible Talent

With flexibility flooding workplaces across the world, leaders must now determine how to incorporate flexible, contracted workers into their workforce for increased agility.

Business News

Here's Why NFTs Are Selling for Millions

Breaking down the latest (very expensive) trend you have definitely heard of.

Science & Technology

How Much Does Cybersecurity Really Cost?

The majority of data is now stored online, but cybersecurity is a preventative measure that some companies need more than others.

Money & Finance

A New Breed of Investors Are Driving Purpose Plus Profit

Millennials want a meaningful impact in the world and aren't as focused on money alone.