Video Games: Page 10
Pokémon Go Eludes Cloning Attempts by Big Game Studios
Top video game companies, caught off-guard by the runaway success of Pokémon Go, are wrestling with how to play catch-up to the augmented reality app that has become a worldwide phenomenon.
Well, That Was Fast: One Survey Says Pokémon Go Has Already Peaked in the U.S.
Is this popular game already on the decline in the United States? Probably.
Japan Issues Actual Safety Warning for Impatient Pokémon Gamers
The country's National Center for Incident Readiness and Strategy for Cybersecurity (NISC) issued nine instructions to users of the mobile game.
Nintendo Shares are Getting Destroyed as the Pokémon Go Effect Wears Off
The amazing ride of Nintendo shares, fueled by the wild spread of the smartphone game Pokémon Go, appears to be over.
Pokemon Go: You Don't Have to be a Gamer to Get into the Game
Marketing is a spectator sport and it's important to learn what other brands are doing in the marketplace.
Japanese Gamers Left Waiting for Pokemon GO's Home Launch
Nintendo's shares suffered a rare bad day since Pokemon GO took the world by storm, tumbling 13 percent on the disappointment.
Nintendo's Market Cap Doubles to $42 Billion Since Pokemon GO Launch
The phenomenal success of Pokemon GO has triggered massive buying in Nintendo shares, surprising even some seasoned market players.
Success of Pokemon GO Adds Impetus for Change at Nintendo
Until Pokemon GO, a mobile game, was launched just over a week ago, Nintendo had taken every opportunity to say its main focus was still gaming consoles, and games for smartphones were just a means to lure more people to them.
3 Ways to Level Up Your Marketing With Pokemon Go
Catch all the Pokemon masters you can with these three marketing strategies.
The 5 Most Ridiculous Pokémon Go Stories of the Week
With the gaming craze in full swing, the crazy stories are apparently in abundance.
8 Weird Reasons Pokémon Go Isn't the Game Craze We're Used To
Heavens to Charizard, Nintendo's viral comeback app is making humans pull zany, dangerous stunts, all in pursuit of stupidly adorable Pokémon.
From the Iranian Revolution to Dealing With Cancer, Here Are Some of the Innovative Games on Display at This Year's Games for Change Festival
The 13-year-old event spotlights digital entertainment made with social impact in mind.
Elon Musk Says We're Likely Living In a Video Game. Are We?
Everything you know is probably a simulation. And that's ok.
Meet the Designers Hoping to Treat ADHD and Alzheimer's with Gaming
These are games that kids and parents can all appreciate.
This VR Company Wants to Add Missile Explosions and Race Cars to Your Workout
VirZOOM has more than $2.5 million in funding and consists of veterans of the game industry.