Viral Marketing: Page 7
How to Get the Word Out About a Product Adored by Customers
Just because your company has stellar customer reviews, doesn't necessarily mean word-of-mouth marketing will occur. To get your company to become a viral hit, you need to focus on building relationships.
The Sweet and Simple Marketing Lesson From 'House of Cards'
You don't need data to prove that product demonstrating works. All you need is an audience and BBQ ribs.
Useful and Easy Gets More People Sharing Your Content
The key to creating content people will share is thinking why someone will want it.
A Scientific Take on Viral Marketing
We take a detailed look at seven classic examples of things that have gone viral and why.
The Magic Formula for Viral Content
Want your articles and blog posts to be read by all? Pictures are a must, and so are lots of words.
A Benign Virus: Your Company's Content Shared Across Social Media
Sample the latest wisdom about how to post content about your business that others will be likely pass along.
The Science Behind Crafting Contagious Content
Jonah Berger, a marketing professor a the Wharton School of Business, has identified six key drivers of virality.
How These 10 Marketing Campaigns Became Viral Hits
Any company can create word-of-mouth ad -- all it takes is a clever idea and skillful execution.
WATCH: Dads Get Their Own #WorldsToughestJob Video
You've probably seen that viral video claiming moms have the toughest job in the world. Now, men are getting their time in the limelight with a parody video by Bud Light.
Quiznos Is Bankrupt, But It Made an Awesome 'House of Thrones' Mashup
The bankrupt sandwich chain attempts to tap into the television zeitgeist in an ad that combines characters from cult TV shows 'Game of Thrones' and 'House of Cards.'
Tinder Co-Founder Sean Rad on the Hot Dating App's Viral Success
The Los Angeles native lives, breathes and even dreams about his insanely popular app. Here, he discusses the secret to its success and much more.
These Are the Types of Posts People Share the Most on Facebook
If you want your content to be seen on Facebook, these types of updates can get you the most traction.
LOLCats, FAIL and Dog Advice: What Does It All 'Meme'?
Even though memes have been around for quite some time, not everyone knows exactly what these viral sensations entail. As they continue to rage on, the king of the meme, Cheezburger founder Ben Huh, gives us the lowdown on this phenomenon.
How 'Kid President' Robby Novak's Viral Videos Are Bringing More Awesome Into the World
Brad Montague explains how he and his 10-year-old brother-in-law Robby Novak have become accidental superstars.
How WestJet Won Christmas With the Best Publicity Stunt Ever
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. And he apparently is pretty good at getting people to feel good about a Canadian airline.