Wages: Page 2

Business News

Texas Factory Activity Sees Solid Expansion but Supply Chain Woes Worsen

The production index rose to a reading of 24.2 in September, up 3.4 percentage points from 20.8 in August.

Business News

Inflation and Higher Wages: A Look at the Effect of Extra Income

Though every inflationary period tends to be unique, it can be valuable to compare your current paycheck with rising inflation rates.

News and Trends

What Your Salary Might Look Like In 2020

Indian employees may see a 9.2 per cent growth in their salaries in 2020, according to the recently released report

Business News

This Is the Living Wage You Need in All 50 States

Is the average salary enough to get by in your state?

News and Trends

Singapore Sees Widest Gender Pay Gap In A Decade

Women face a relatively smaller wage gap in industries such as real estate, construction, arts and recreation and other service-related sectors

Business News

More Than 400 Washington Post Staffers Wrote an Open Letter to Jeff Bezos Calling Out His 'Shocking' Pay Practices

They also released a video, which they uploaded to YouTube addressing the Amazon CEO and Washington Post owner directly.

Business News

3 Ways Men Can Help Close the Gender Gap

If workplaces better accommodate women, can increases in revenue be far behind?

Thought Leaders

This Is Your Path to the $1,000-Per-Hour Mindset

If you don't value your time, who will?

Business News

5 Ways Small Business Owners Can Spend Their Tax Savings

Use your money to help employees and the community.

Thought Leaders

4 Struggles of the Mom Entrepreneur

Women, including those running businesses and creating jobs, do the most of the world's unpaid work.

News and Trends

The Importance of Promoting Workplace Diversity

There can be career breaks, paid maternity leaves, remote work or flexible working hours to encourage women's economic participation.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Why This Entrepreneur Skips Outsourcing Labor to Provide a Livable Wage for Locals

Despite being its biggest expense, Brooklyn Brine's owner makes it his mission to provide a fair living wage to his 'coworkers.'

Thought Leaders

What Does the Number 2592 Mean to You?

The are two keys to wealth -- increase how much money you earn and being smart with it once you have it.


Don't Sell Yourself Short in the Gig Economy

Too many solopreneurs and freelancers are mispricing themselves in the labor market. Get out a sharp pencil and get it right.


Chipotle's Rewards Program Is so Flawed They Don't Know Who Is Eating Their Free Burritos

You can't just throw free burritos at the problem, Chipotle. The reactive marketing plan is too little, too late.