Website Optimization: Page 2

Science & Technology

One Metric for Testing a Successful User Experience

Measure the success of your UX efforts by improvements in your conversion rate.


Why Your Website Isn't Getting You the Sales You Need

is your website optimized for sales?


Seven Reasons Why Investing In A Website (Instead Of An App) Is Better For Your New Business

To be found amongst your competitors or ranking for keywords people use to refer to you, you not only need to have a website, but most importantly one that is SEO and mobile friendly.

Social Media

Facebook's Latest Feature Highlights the Importance of User Experience and Website Speed

How you can use this new feature to help your business.


Effective Branding Is a Smart Strategy to Improve Your Website's Search Metrics

Making your website appealing to your audience is pretty much the same as making it more appealing to Google.


How to Rev up the Success of Your WordPress Website

New data from GoDaddy draws a clear distinction between "rocketship" vs. "decliner" sites. Which one's yours?


Optimizing Your Homepage With These 3 Things in Mind Will Help It Attract More Visitors

Home is a place where you don't have to think too much -- you simply walk inside and everything you need is waiting for you. A homepage should provide customers with a similar experience.

Money & Finance

10 Ways to Maximize the Profitability of Your Website

Some 96 percent of your visitors won't be ready to buy -- so what can you do to convince the rest and move the majority closer to a buying decision?

Social Media

Social Bookmarking - Your Key to Driving Improved Traffic to Website

A smart way to use Social Bookmarking is to use these bookmarks to drive the concentrated and targeted audience to your website.

Growth Strategies

Why Would You Redesign A Website in 2017? Set Serious Business Goals for It

Few days to go and we are in 2017, so just take a walk back into the memory lane and recollect websites five years ago.


Here's What Motivated Three Zoho Employees to Launch Their Own SaaS Startup

A cricket ground conversation led to the formation of Zarget, which is now backed by Sequoia India, Accel and Matrix Parnters


How Mobile-Friendly Is Your Website? If You Don't Know, You're Missing Out on Sales.

Mobile isn't an option any more. Your customers are on the move and you'd better be, too.

Social Media

5 Online Basics Your Business Needs to Survive

Want to build a reputation for modernity for your small business? These are the bare-minimum features you need.

Science & Technology

First Impressions Count Just as Much Online

Make a memorable impact on new visitors to your website. You've got just seconds to hook them. Here's our checklist.


7 Revenue-Killing Mistakes for Ecommerce Retailers

Simple integration and a user-friendly interface will help you build an unstoppable ecommerce empire and sleep better at night.