Well-Being: Page 4

Growing a Business

7 Visualization Techniques to Calm Your Anxious Mind (Infographic)

These simple tricks can help you relax and live a stress-free life.


How to Add Plants to an Office to Make Employees More Focused and Productive

An interior design expert shares tips for sprucing up your office space, drawing on the philosophy of biophilia.


Here Are Where the Happiest Workers in America Lived in 2017 (Infographic)

If you're unhappy with your job, moving to Hawaii could be the solution.

Business News

How Arianna Huffington, Richard Branson and Other Leaders Maintain Work-Life Balance

You're never too busy to have a well-rounded life.

Growing a Business

Wearables and Wellness at Work: It's Not Just a Trend

Companies that use wearable fitness tools have lower healthcare costs. Their employees can battle depression and lose weight.


Vacation Tips From a Workaholic

You might think you can't afford to step away from your business. The truth is, you can't afford not to.

Social Media

New Study Reveals That Using Facebook Diminishes Your Well-Being

Nothing beats an in-person social connection.


5 Reasons Enhanced Benefits Programs Are Good for Business

Meaningful, ongoing benefits are good for employees, team culture and your bottom line.


3 Powerful Tips to Improve Your Emotional and Mental Fitness

How well can your business do if your relationships and your inner dialogue are out of balance?

Health & Wellness

6 Ways to Maintain Your Fitness When You're Super Busy

Maximize your health and stay strong enough to tackle any business challenge.


Reconsidering Work-Life Balance in an Ever-Changing Workplace

Workers around the world agree, on surveys, that the ideal employee is not the one who is 'always on.'


How to Become an Authentic Leader in the Digital Era

Maintaining integrity depends on knowing, doing and being -- all in ways that enable us to evolve into our true self.


Tips To Stay Healthy and Fit During This Festive Season

Here are some health tips for you to look your best during Diwali and the coming festivals you celebrate!


Does Your Business Need a Popcorn Manager?

When we hired individuals with developmental disabilities to fill nontraditional work roles, our team learned lessons in understanding and purpose that made us stronger as a company.


6 Happiness Tips to Boost Your Health and Performance

Simple tactics to reducing stress and improve general personal wellbeing go a long way towards to success in business, and in life.