Whole Foods: Page 2

Business News

The 'Amazon Effect': How Ecommerce Will Change in 2019 and Beyond

The Amazon Effect is real, but it doesn't mean that Amazon is the only ecommerce player that will matter in 2019.


How Whole Foods CEO John Mackey Is Leading a Revolution in Health and Business

Business has a much broader positive impact on the world when it is based on a higher purpose.

Health & Wellness

10 Simple Lifestyle Changes Science Is Confident Will Help You Live Longer

The science is in, and the path to a longer life is astonishingly easy to follow: Live exactly the way your great-grandparents did -- but do yoga, too.


How the Amazon Whole Foods Acquisition Will Disrupt Food Marketing

The deal brings the power of SEO to selling groceries.

Growing a Business

What Do the Major Changes at Whole Foods Mean for Food Entrepreneurs?

The Amazon-owned grocery chain recently created a stir after it decided to streamline its decision-making process.

Business News

10 Leadership Lessons From Amazon's Massive Success

Take a lot of risks and run with the ones that pan out.

Business News

'Seeing Someone Cry at Work Is Becoming Normal': Employees Say Whole Foods Is Using 'Scorecards' to Punish Them

Whole Foods are using checklists called 'scorecards' and tests called 'walks' to ensure stores comply with a new inventory-management system.

Growing a Business

3 Steps to Selling Your Business Without Sacrificing Its Soul

Honoring a company's culture in the midst of change should be a priority. Otherwise, an acquisition may fall apart.

Growing a Business

What the Amazon Whole Foods Acquisition Has in Store for Supermarkets: Digital Disruption

But, would you believe that other disruptors are already gearing up, too? Say hello to Instacart, Uber EATS and Google Shopping Express.

Growing a Business

The Small Business Guide to Thriving in the Amazon-Whole Foods Era

The looming threat to all store owners is clear: Adapt digitally or die.

Business News

3 Entrepreneurial Lessons From the Amazon/Whole Foods Mega-Merger

The entrepreneurial community should be watching this deal with bated breath for the revolutionary retail repercussions sure to come.

Business News

Amazon's Whole Foods Deal Will Remake Strip Malls

What happens to small businesses if grocery stores shut down?

Business News

With Whole Foods Purchase, Amazon Just Bought a Playground for Big Data

Amazon's purchase of Whole Foods isn't about automating checkout -- it's about bringing Amazon's online analytics to the offline world.