Women in Business: Page 10
Businesses Need More Women Investors. Here's How That Can Happen.
Female investors who share knowledge and guidance with other women founders will improve the likelihood of success and return for the investors.
Female Founders and Investors: The Startup Journey Unplugged
Join us for this free webinar to better understand the landscape that female founders face when it comes to getting traction early on, and how to overcome the hurdles.
Women Are Leaving the Workforce Because of This Overlooked Issue. Here's How Companies Can Support Them.
Learn how companies can better support their menopausal employees with these six strategies.
We Need An Entrepreneurial Spirit To Tackle Women's Issues In The Middle East
"We need smart, energetic, young business leaders who are willing to pound the pavement, raise a million dollars in capital, talk to the media, galvanize their startup colleagues, build innovative technologies, and once and for all, tackle the issues!"
'Greatest Storyteller Wins.' Katy Perry on the Surprising Link Between Pop Stardom and Entrepreneurship.
Pop icon Katy Perry co-founded a new line of elegant and innovative non-alcoholic beverages with master distiller Morgan McLachlan -- and she has some advice for artists and entrepreneurs alike.
Shania Twain's Tumultuous Journey to Stardom Has Earned Her Millions and the Prerogative to Have a Little Fun
After coming back from peaks and valleys, she knows how to pull herself up by her bootstraps.
Meet the Women Behind Some of McDonald's Most Iconic (And Essential) Ingredients—And How They're Setting New Standards
The manufacturers of McDonald's essential ingredients know how to deliver quality and inspire change.
Women are Swimming Against the Current of Europe's VC Flows
HSBC has launched a $1B fund to help.
Making It Work: Amna Bani Hashem And Maz Hakim On Balancing Two Passion-Driven Careers
Emirati showjumper Amna Bani Hashem and Espand By Maz founder Maz Hakim share insights on what it takes to balance two careers.
The Rise of the Mompreneur: How Moms Are Killing It in the Startup World
Some of the most successful entrepreneurs out there are moms -- they have plenty of experience multitasking and working on tight deadlines. In fact, at least four out of every 10 new businesses are started by moms.
Against All Odds: Roar Founder Pallavi Dean On Blazing Her Own Trail In The MENA Region's Design Landscape
Pallavi Dean offered her perspective on what it takes to build a successful career in the sector that she operates in the MENA region.
This Founder Had to Play College Basketball in Men's Shorts and Shoes, So She Launched an Athletic Clothing Company Named After the Now 50-Year-Old Title IX Act
When Title Nine founder Missy Park was a 10-year-old girl in South Carolina, the passage of Title IX in 1972 allowed her to be seen as "just an athlete" instead of a tomboy. It also laid the foundation for the founding of a company that's still going strong more than 30 years later.
2022 Female Angels Movement Reaches A Milestone of 200 Publicly Listed Women Angel Investors On Its Platform
Launched at the beginning of 2022, the #2022FemaleAngels movement aims to inspire and identify 2,022 female angel investors for the MENA region by the end of the year to help diversify the early-stage investment landscape.
When Women Win: How The Middle East Is Showcasing Female Success Across Entrepreneurship And Tech
"We simply cannot have a conversation about shaping a better future for the world without placing women at its center."
Reflections from a Woman Founder: Why Women Must Be Better Represented in Both AI Technologies and Data Sets
When companies have gender diversity in their leadership teams, they outperform their peers.