Women Leaders: Page 3

Thought Leaders

3 Ways Women Founders Can Leverage Their Value on Women's Equality Day — and Beyond

Women founders lead in different ways than their male counterparts and data is showing how beneficial that is. This article covers three things for women entrepreneurs to keep in mind throughout their journey.

Thought Leaders

What Is Women's Equality Day? Here's What It Represents and Why It Matters

Women's Equality Day serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for gender equality and women's rights. It is crucial to address issues like caregiving leave, sexual harassment and gender biases to achieve true equality.

Growing a Business

People Underestimated Her 'Sweet' Idea, and She Took Advantage of It — All the Way to $125 Million in Annual Sales and a $360 Million Exit

Tara Bosch faced certain challenges as the young woman founder of SmartSweets. Her next venture, Bold Beginnings, is all about making it easier for the women who come next.


The 'Risk Tax' and 'Punishment Tax' Could Be Derailing Women's Careers. Here's How to Recognize — and Avoid — Them in Your Organization.

Dr. Yasmene Mumby, a sustainable leadership advisor and founder of The Ringgold, explains how women, particularly those of color, are held to different standards at work — and what we can do to change that.

Science & Technology

Why Have More Women in Tech? Top 4 Reasons Backed By Research.

By embracing gender diversity, the tech industry can tap into the full potential of its workforce and create a more inclusive and prosperous future.


3 Key Questions to Ask Yourself Before Hiring a Mentor

Ask yourself these questions to ensure you'll make the most out of your relationship with your mentor.

Business News

This Women's Pitch Competition Inspired a New Wave of Female Entrepreneurs

Spain's ecosystem of women entrepreneurship is flourishing.

Thought Leaders

Imposter Syndrome Predominantly Affects Women — Here's How We Can Overcome It

We need more women in leadership, but the burden of imposter syndrome adds new barriers and threatens their success. Here's how we break through.


A Woman Co-founder's Guide to Empowering Women in the Workplace and Advocating for Gender Equality

If you want to see more innovation and creativity from your employees, you need to make sure you've cultivated an inclusive and diverse workforce. Try these four strategies to support the women on your team and achieve your goals.

Science & Technology

How Women Are Innovating and Shaping the Tech Landscape — and How Men Can Support Them

The tech industry has a long history of being male-dominated, so it's no surprise that women are still underrepresented in tech. While there are trailblazing leaders changing this reality, it's long past time for everyone to get on board with elevating and supporting women in this industry.

Business Culture

Women Are Being Pushed Off the Edge of the Glass Cliff. Here's What That Means and What to Do About It.

One of the primary reasons that hold women leaders back is the so-called "glass cliff." Here's how it's keeping women from leadership roles, how it's different from the glass ceiling and what you can do to prevent it.

Business Culture

5 Ways to Support Women-Owned Businesses

There are simple ways to support women-owned businesses and have an economic impact on your community and the country. This is a list of things you can do today to support women-owned businesses and change the world.

News and Trends

Here's How You Can Tune In To Mastercard's Women SME Leaders Awards 2023 Happening On May 2, 2023

Launched in 2022 to empower entrepreneurial women, the Women SME Leaders Awards aim to shine a spotlight on women who are shaping the future of emerging markets around the globe.


Free Webinar | May 11: The Modern Leader's Guide to Timeless Wisdom

Join our free webinar as author Susan S. Freeman shares the skills needed to create positive change in yourself and in your organization. Register now →

Thought Leaders

10 Reasons Women Should Become Agents of Change in Their Communities and Society at Large

Women are capable and powerful change agents and great role models for future generations.