workplace rules

Science & Technology

8 Critical Email Rules for Optimal Efficiency

Looking for ways to improve company productivity and communications? Start with your email.


Workplace Chatter Is Really About People Trying to Be Heard

Data shows that what workers really want is to express their individuality, their working styles and more of their authentic selves.


Every Team Needs a 'Code of Honor'

In the absence of rules, people make up their own. Develop an ethical list of rules to ensure success.


Should You Stick To The Rules As An Entrepreneur?

Another founder's success story often becomes the rulebook for others. But should their success set standards for you?

Growth Strategies

#6 Ways to Keep the Competition Healthy at Workplace

Blame games and fault finding happen when people do not communicate with each other well


3 Steps to Change Employee Behavior

Consequences, for one thing, will help you gain the behavior you want.


3 Major Distractions in Your Workplace (and How to Beat Them)

Are you setting goals that are simply too ambitious? This is one of the things that can distract employees big-time.


8 Stupid Office Rules That Drive Everyone Crazy

When companies create ridiculous and demoralizing rules to halt the outlandish behavior of a few individuals, it's a management problem.

Business News

An Obituary for the 40-Hour Workweek

Satirically we mourn the death of a venerable American institution and ponder those who are happy it is no more.

Thought Leaders

How Hiring an Assistant Has Made Me Happier

Hiring an assistant forces you to dissect how you make recurring decisions.

Social Media

5 Ways to Attract and Retain Millennials

Every generation perplexes and discomfits the one that preceded it.

Starting a Business

3 Trends From the Leading-Edge of Workplace Design

Companies at the vanguard of workplace design continue to push new ideas focused on engaging clients and empowering staff

Business News

Air France Offers Compromise After Flight Attendants' Outrage at Headscarf Rule

Those who aren't comfortable wearing a headscarf in Tehran can fly to other locations, the company said.

Business Culture

The 9 Idiotic Office Rules That Drive Everyone Crazy

Companies need to have rules -- that's a given -- but they don't have to be shortsighted and lazy attempts at creating order.


6 Ridiculous Office Rules That Will Leave You Scratching Your Head

Restricted Internet access, water bottle bans and requests to move your desk -- now, that's just silly.