Writing a Business Plan: Page 2
8 Reasons to Update Your Business Plan Right Now
Writing your business plan isn't a one-time event. Here's why it's critical to update it from time to time.
How to Use Your Business Plan as a Benchmark for Performance
Don't just file your business plan away in a drawer once you've launched. Instead, use it to keep tabs on how you're doing.
10 Tips for Creating a Winning Business Plan in PowerPoint
If you're presenting your business plan in PowerPoint format, read this first.
Skip the Boring Business Plan. Focus on This Strategy Instead.
Here's a simpler, less time intensive approach that offers more flexibility than the traditional business plan.
10 Questions to Answer When Writing Your Mission Statement
Read this to see what your mission statement should address and how to put it all together.
6 Strategies for Presenting Your Business Plan
When you're ready to approach people with your finished business plan, these six strategies will help you achieve the results you want.
Pro Tips for Writing About Your Cash Flow in Your Business Plan
Get the lowdown on how to prepare the cash flow section of your business plan
To Investors, Startups Without Business Plans Are Expensive Hobbies
One of the quickest ways to kill your credibility and your startup is to offer a poorly written business plan, or none at all.
Expert Advice: 10 Tips to Craft a Strong Business Plan
A business plan writing expert weighs in what to include and what not to include to create a winning business plan.
How to Identify Your Competitive Strengths for Your Business Plan
If you don't know what gives your new business an edge in the marketplace, here's how to figure out your unique strengths and tell others about them.
The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Business Plan
These instructions will help you craft the best business plan possible, one section at a time.
First Steps: Writing the Executive Summary of Your Business Plan
This quick guide offers tips that will help you create the executive summary for your business plan.
First Steps: Writing the Marketing Section of Your Business Plan
This quick guide offers tips that will help you create the marketing section for your business plan.
First Steps: Writing the Financials Section of Your Business Plan
This quick guide offers tips that will help you create the financials section for your business plan.
Who Is the Target Audience for Your Business Plan? Hint: More People Than You Think.
It's not just investors or bankers who'll want to see your plan.