Writing: Page 2

Side Hustle

What Is Copywriting? How to Write Excellent Copy.

Are you considering a career in copywriting but don't know where to start? Continue reading for everything you need to know to write excellent copy.


How I Made Money From My Book Without Selling a Single Copy

Did you know you can make money with a book without selling copies? Here's exactly how I did it.

Thought Leaders

4 Ways Writing a Book Accelerated My Professional Career

Thinking of writing a book? Here are four amazing benefits I noticed after writing mine — and how you can benefit from writing one, too.


This $30 Writing, Research, and Organization App Could Help You Improve Communication in Your Business

Get a lifetime subscription to Scrivener for Windows or Mac for $29.99.

Science & Technology

3 Ways to Unlock the Potential of ChatGPT

Don't treat AI as a hack. Instead, utilize it as a tool — one might even say a partner — that you can collaborate with to take your content creation to the next level.


The 9 Dos and Don'ts of Book Signing Events

Book signing events are a great way to promote an author's work, engage with readers and gain new fans — but they can also be intimidating if you're not prepared.


Business Owners Can Get Organized With This $30 Writing App

Start organizing your projects now.

Science & Technology

5 Ways ChatGPT Is Empowering People with Disabilities

As an entrepreneur diagnosed with ADD and LD-NOS, ChatGPT has been a beneficial tool that has allowed me to think beyond my abilities. Here are five ways ChatGPT can be used to empower disabled people.


Startup Spotlight: UAE-Based Lisan's AI-Powered Proofreading Platform Guarantees Error-Free Arabic Writing

The 12 products Alasadi alludes to aim to correct 12 specific types of errors, which include spelling, grammatical, morphological, semantic, and stylistic errors, as well as mistakes related to checking quotations and proper names.


After Early Rejection From Publishers, This Author Self-Published Her Book and Sold More Than 500,000 Copies. Here's How She Did It.

Author Karen Inglis breaks down the strategies and tactics you need to generate awareness and sales for your self-published book.

Thought Leaders

6 Grammatical Errors That Need to Stop Now

Want people to take you seriously as a professional? Then don't write a message that looks like a text from a high school student.


Streamline Your Writing Process with Lifetime Access to the Scrivener 3 Writing App

This $30 writing app could help you improve project management and writing at your business.


5 Things to Do After You Publish Your Book

Books have become the business cards of modern entrepreneurs. Here are the best ways to market your book after publication.


7 Writing Hacks Every Writer Must Know

Want to write better and quicker? These tips and tricks from the pros will help make the process much easier.