How to Get Media Coverage Discover how to reach out to a reporter and frame your story in a way that will get attention.
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Login to continue Create an accountOriginally aired May 22, 2019
Every entrepreneur wants press, but few understand how to reach out to a reporter and frame their story in a way that'll get attention. Journalists are like customers and investors: Before reaching out to them, you must understand what they want and how you can provide it. In this workshop, Entrepreneur magazine editor-in-chief Jason Feifer digs into his career -- and his inbox! -- to provide a useful and revealing guide to what journalists think, what they're looking for, and how to develop a press strategy that really works.
Key Takeaways:
- Understand how a journalist thinks and what they’re looking for
- Strategize the media attention that will be most valuable to you
- Write better pitch emails
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