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More Posts on Growing a Business

Side Hustle

This 23-Year-Old Started a 'Simple' Side Hustle Using Items She Already Owned — Then She Earned Nearly $60,000 and Made It Her Full-Time Gig

Angelina Licari first tried out the side hustle as a high school student — then went all-in after graduating college.

Growing a Business

Why Your Company Needs to Rethink Its Purpose to Acquire Loyal Customers — And Drive More Sales.

The traditional path of finding a niche and competing on quality or price will no longer work. If you want true enduring and evangelical customer loyalty, deliver a product or service that connects with your customers on an emotional level.

Business Culture

Sweat Equity Deserves Kudos — How to Create Recognition Programs That Acknowledge the Hard Work of Startup Founders

Recognizing founders' sweat equity with tailored, responsive programs boosts morale and loyalty while driving startup success by nurturing a culture of appreciation.

Starting a Business

You Won't Have a Strong Budget Until You Follow These 5 Tips

Your budget is not just for cutting expenses; it's a tool to align your spending with your business priorities to drive growth and achieve financial freedom.


This Unique Marketing Strategy Is Winning in 2024 — Here's Why (and How You Can Implement It Successfully)

Use this strategy to connect with customers, build trust and differentiate your business.

Starting a Business

Ask Marc | Get Free Business Advice From the Co-Founder of Netflix

Get the answers to your most challenging business problems during our next Ask Marc, live Q&A, on 6/13/24 at 2 PM ET. You don't want to miss it—send in your questions now.


5 Habits That Will Help You Leave Your 9-5 and Increase Your Income, According to a Former Nurse Who Did It

Katelynn Blackburn was tired of working 12-hour shifts and paying a full-time babysitter to care for her daughter.

Business News

This Is the Winning Formula for Starting a Successful Podcast, According to a New Analysis

A new study analyzed the top 50 podcasts in the U.S. and found many things in common. Here's what to know.

Growing a Business

3 Effective Engagement Tactics to Help Small Businesses Create Authentic Connections With Customers

Enhance your customer experience and foster stronger customer relationships using these three strategies.

Science & Technology

PR Guide for AI Startups — How to Dodge Pitfalls and Shine in a Crowded Market

Here are five common PR mistakes AI startups must avoid.

Growing a Business

6 Things Every Brand Should Understand About PR

Public relations is an important part of business success, but brands don't always know what they're looking for. Here's what your publicist won't tell you about PR.