Climate Change: Page 10

Green Entrepreneur®

Here's How to Save the Planet and Make a Profit

You don't have to be Captain Planet to save the planet for future generations -- and you can make a profit doing it.

Green Entrepreneur®

4 Reasons Business Leaders Should Support the Paris Climate Accord

Entrepreneurs see problems as opportunities. Avoiding a climate catastrophe is the biggest business opportunity in the world.

Business News

Want to Save Trees? Print More, HP Claims.

HP, trying to jumpstart its once-mighty consumer printing business, is investing in sustainable forests and making ink cartridges out of recycled plastic from Haiti.

Business News

How This $28 Million Startup Hopes to Save the World With 3D Printing

Divergent 3D, founded by a one-time investor and two-time entrepreneur, holds patents on technologies that allow carmakers to print vehicles.

Business News

Business Leaders Slam Trump's Decision to Withdraw From Paris Climate Agreement

Elon Musk, Mark Cuban and Mark Zuckerberg are among those who spoke out.

Celebrity Entrepreneurs

Elon Musk: I'm Departing Trump's Councils

After President Donald Trump announced the U.S. will pull out of the accord on climate change, Musk followed through with what he tweeted yesterday.

Business News

Don't Wait to Determine Your Legacy: 4 Steps to Start Today

To maximize your startup's social impact, make sure it has a philanthropic vision from the start.

Business News

Watch: Insane Amount of Fish Found Dead on Long Island

Too many bunker to count were discovered near the Hampton Bays.

Business News

Billionaire Launches U.S. Millennial Voter Drive

Environmental activist Tom Steyer's super PAC launched with the hope of electing candidates that will work to combat climate change.

Business News

Elon Musk: A Carbon Tax Is the Only Way to End World's Dependence on Fossil Fuels

The tech entrepreneur appealed to a younger audience at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris.

News and Trends

Companies That Care About Climate Change Make More Money

S&P 500 firms that disclose their environmental data and set strong carbon reduction goals had higher profitability, stability, and returns to shareholders than peers.

Business News

Bill Gates Has Spent $1 Billion on Renewable Energy -- And He Wants to Spend Even More

He sees energy technology as the only affordable solution to climate change.

Science & Technology

Artificial Photosynthesis Breakthrough Aims to Save Us All From Global Warming

This game-changing 'crazy idea' could have us all breathing easier -- fingers crossed.


What the Devastating Coffee Fungus Means for U.S. Coffee Shops

Coffee production is estimated to fall 15 to 40 percent in the coming years. Here's how your favorite coffee shops are preparing.