Climate Change: Page 8

News and Trends

Jeff Bezos-led Amazon Introduces E-Rickshaws For Delivery

In a video announcing the rollout, the world's richest man drove one of the three-wheelers, part of a fleet which will be used by the e-commerce giant to deliver goods.

Business News

Microsoft to Go 'Carbon Negative' by 2030 to Combat Climate Change

Microsoft originally sought to become a 'carbon neutral' company, meaning it could generate carbon emissions as long as it offset them through other means, but "in short, neutral is not enough to address the world's needs," says Microsoft president Brad Smith.


Jeff Bezos Predicts 21st Century Will Belong To India

The billionaire stated that India has a certain dynamism and energy about it and that the most important alliance of the 21st century will be between the US and India

News and Trends

5 Takeaways From Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos' Talk At Smbhav

Bezos talked about various things such as his entrepreneurial journey, climate change and others at the event in India

Business News

Big Data and Solar Energy Are a Match Made in Heaven

New forecasting technology may be the missing puzzle piece in solar's widespread adoption.

News and Trends

Over 50 per cent Of Offices In The US Do Not Employ Eco-Friendly Features: Report

Despite the rise in awareness about climate change and its hazardous long-term impact on the planet, the move towards eco-friendly features in offices is slow, according to a study by Savoy Stewart.

Business News

8 Companies Utilizing AI to Tackle Climate Change

A look to how the private sector is responding to our environmental crisis.


5 Asian Startups That Are Trying to Solve The Plastic Problem

"There's one issue that will define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other, and that is the urgent and growing threat of a changing climate," - Former U.S. President Barack Obama

Growth Strategies

This Sustainable Material Has the Potential to Cure Issues of Climate Change

From a poor man's timber bamboo has now become the rich man's timber and the value global bamboo market has touched $ USD 68.8 billion in 2018 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.0% from 2019 to 2025

Science & Technology

How Visionary Tech Can Help Prevent Climate Change

Mobile apps and AI might just save mankind.

Business News

Burger King's New Meat-Free Whopper Is Part of the Solution

Ultimately, the only way to reduce global meat consumption is to be pragmatic -- and that includes plant-based meat startups collaborating with fast food giants.

Growth Strategies

India's Potential to Lead on Climate Change Helped by Entrepreneurs

In the last two decades Indian entrepreneurs have spearheaded growth that has established the country as an economic powerhouse


Designing for Sustainability to Address Climate Change

Sustainable buildings are comfortable and humane, as well as highly efficient using energy and water.

Business News

'When the Clock Strikes 12': What Your Business Can Do to Adapt to Climate Change

Are you a 'hero' leader? If so, what is your company doing about the potential catastrophe threatening our planet?

Business News

Amazon Employees Call for a Company-Wide Climate Change Plan

This doesn't guarantee that Bezos and crew will listen.