Marketing Ideas: Page 8


Treat Customers as Co-authors, Not Targets, and Hit a Marketing Bullseye

Customer loyalty, positive word of mouth and inexpensive content generation are just a few ways you can benefit from crowdsourcing.


How Creative Market Attracted 70,000 Pre-Launch Users in 9 Months

Offering a $5 credit card and mapping out a post-launch plan helped this design content platform quickly shoot to success.


3 Steps to Building Your Brand's Unfair Advantage

It takes a lot more than luck to become the next marketing unicorn.


Are Marketers Overhyping Millennials' Role in the Future Economy?

Millennials are a hot marketing topic today, but it's a big mistake to see them as homogeneous. Here's why.


4 Secrets to Starting an 'Idea Epidemic'

Remember the Ice Bucket Challenge? Can you match that?


5 Innovative Ideas for Engaging Your Fickle Audience

People are deluged with marketing but you can still earn their attention.


The Rocky and Bullwinkle Effect: Why You Should Consider Marketing to Multiple Audiences

Choosing the right message often requires you to target two or more audiences with very different interests.


6 Resources Content Strategists Could Use to Find New Ideas

These tools will inspire marketers by leveraging real time data to identify the most relevant and engaging content topics.


9 Overlooked Ways to Market Your Business

Do you really want your audience to be looking at Apple's logo, or at yours?


4 Critical Things Every Business Must Know About Mobile Marketing

Almost every customer has is a cell phone. Make mobile a part of your marketing mix to find your customers wherever they are.

Business News

Branding Your Business for the Next Generation

There's a new generation of people out there. Your company needs to learn how to communicate with them.


Where Do You Find Your Marketing Talent?

Four sources to look to for those special people who'll get your message out.


Customers Will Be Loyal If Delight Is Built Into Your Product or Service

Here are nine ways to build this unmeasurable metric into your business.


Here Are 12 Must-Use Apps for Marketers

From content distribution to social listening, here are the apps marketers need to be using right now.


6 Recent Marketing Campaigns That Were Pretty Awesome

Learn why these campaigns worked and where their success was noticeable.