Marketing Ideas: Page 9


Make Wellness the True Aim of Your Marketing

The true aim of marketing is not to sell stuff, but rather to create balance and wellness for people.


5 Findings About Idea Generation for Content Marketing

How do you come up with and execute 251 marketing ideas each year? In a recent survey, marketers shared their pain.


Conversion Rates for the Most Popular Marketing Channels

Knowing the platforms that get other businesses their customers can help you benchmark your own progress and results.

Starting a Business

How to Build a Website That Keeps Visitors Hooked

Once you get prospects and customers to visit your website, use these tips to get them to stick around.

Growing a Business

Online Radio Killed the Video Star: 4 Tips for Creating a Stellar Podcast

Podcasts are seeing a resurgence


A Bit of Empathy Might Be the Best Marketing Strategy

Tuning into customers as people creates the most durable bonds.


3 Steps for Franchisees Who Want to Be Heard by Corporate

A franchisee for over 30 years explains what to do to make the company hear your idea.

Business News

How the End of Facebook 'Like-Gating' Will Benefit Brands

Facebook put an end to the common social media marketing strategy Wednesday, but that may just be a good thing.


The 3 Questions You Have to Answer to Get Your Customers Eager to Buy

Apple makes a good phone but the Pavlovian response of their customers has as much to do with psychology as product quality. You can leverage the same marketing insights as the big brands.


What's the Big Idea? 10 Qualities That Set Big Ideas Apart.

Thinking up the idea that will change everything for your company will never be easy but you can learn to recognize the ones that have the potential.

Operations & Logistics

Communication Pros Are Teaching Their Secrets to Small Business

Public relations firms are offering DIY courses in marketing to businesses that cannot otherwise afford their services.


5 Traits to Look for When Seeking a Transformative Marketer

The marketing exec adept with established brands is probably not the right leader for a disruptive product in a new category.

Business News

How to Set Marketing Goals You Can Actually Achieve

Advice from six marketing experts on how to set marketing goals, stay focused on them and execute like nobody's business.

Business News

10 Brilliant Marketing Stunts That Put Startups on the Map

A strong marketing stunt can be a valuable tool for any company. Here are 10 that stirred up some attention.


Dear Entrepreneur, You're Telling the Wrong Story

Give customers a genuine experience to share. Then they'll want to talk about it, bringing your company plenty of attention.