Salary: Page 2

Money & Finance

Is Payroll an Expense or an Investment in Your Business?

Profit creates growth opportunities, pay raises and promotions. When team members understand this, they work hard to do their part to contribute to the company's profit.

Business News

This Job Earns 6 Figures and Is Projected to Grow 6% in the Next Decade — And No, It's Not in Tech

Marketing managers are among the highest-growing careers in the U.S., with some freelancers charging enviable hourly rates.

Business News

Want to Make 6 Figures? Apply for These 10 Jobs Open Now — Some Don't Require Any Work Experience.

Landing a new position can be the quickest way to improve your financial outlook.

Business News

America's Largest Private Employer Is Reducing Starting Pay for New Workers. Here's Why — and What It Means for Retail.

Most new hires will now earn the lowest possible hourly wage for their respective store, unlike when they previously had the potential to earn more than other store workers in certain roles.

Business News

These Are The 10 Most Lucrative Majors — And 6 Have a Median Salary in 6 Figures

The degree with the highest median earning potential, electrical engineering, had a median salary of $110,000 and is composed of 85% of men and only 15% of women.

Business News

These Are the Top 10 Most Expensive States For Single Earners to Meet Basic Needs

Hawaii was the only state in the report where single earners need a six-figure minimum average living wage.

Business News

Young and Wealthy Professionals Are Moving To These 10 States, According to a New Report

Florida and Texas are increasingly the preferred destinations for young high earners.

Business News

Founders' Salaries Are Shockingly Humble, New Report Finds

Startup founders earn $114K on average annually, with 46% making less than $100K a year.

Business News

Google Engineers Rake in Big Bucks with Base Salaries up to $718,000, According to a New Report

The data comes from an internal spreadsheet shared among Google employees, comprised of information from over 12,000 U.S. workers for 2022.

Business News

Wage Growth Outpaces Inflation for First Time in 2 Years, Offering Hope for Economic Growth in the U.S. — But Will the Wage Gains Last?

Some experts are concerned about a wage-price spiral, but research suggests that wage gains have had minimal impact on inflation.

Business News

These Are the Highest Paid CEOs — And 9 Make More Than $100 Million a Year, According to a New Report

Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman took the top spot from Alphabet's Sundar Pichai in total compensation in 2022.

Social Media

She Nearly Tripled Her Salary in Under 3 Years. Now She's Launching a Tool to Help You Answer a Big Question: Are You Getting Paid What You're Worth?

Hannah Williams, the Gen Z creator behind TikTok sensation Salary Transparent Street, wants young professionals to know their real market rate.

Business News

These Are the U.S. Cities Where High-Earners Have the Most (And Least) Purchasing Power

Unsurprisingly, New York, Honolulu, and San Francisco are the three cities where high-earners lose most of their salary to taxes and living expenses. Here's where you can take home the most.