Tim Cook: Page 8

Business News

Rumor Roundup: 7 Things to Know About the Forthcoming Apple iPad Pro

Here are the latest rumblings on the long-anticipated tablet's potential screen size, release date and features.

Business News

It's Official: Apple to Unveil New iPhone September 9

Siri's a real charmer when she drops hints.

Buying / Investing in Business

Apple's Tim Cook Made a Rookie Mistake and Might Face SEC Sanctions

The CEO of Apple, which is notoriously tight-lipped, selectively released information about his company's performance. That's not good.

Business News

Apple's Tim Cook Attempts to Reassure Investors Amid Market Turmoil

The CEO of Apple said the company has 'continued to experience strong growth' in China this summer.

Thought Leaders

This Shower Head Is Blowing Up on Kickstarter Thanks in Part to Apple's Tim Cook and Alphabet's Eric Schmidt

'It's like walking through a cloud that cleans you,' described one user on the product's explosive Kickstarter page.

Business News

Analysts Are as Upbeat as Ever on Apple. Investors? Well, Not So Much.

More than $65 billion was knocked off the company's market value in initial reaction to the company's quarterly results on Tuesday.

Business News

5 Things You Don't Know About Apple CEO Tim Cook

From his sleep habits to his money plans, here are five fun facts about Apple's enigmatic chief executive.

Science & Technology

The Signatures of 25 Tech Titans and What They Say About Their Personalities

Judging by their autographs, Bill Gates is unpretentious, Tim Cook is whip-smart and Mark Zuckerberg is super private, that is if you buy into graphology.

Business News

Apple CEO to Grads: Change the World

Tim Cook gave the commencement address at George Washington University, invoking the importance of values, changing the world, and Steve Jobs.

Business News

Apple CEO Tim Cook Busts Some Rusty Moves to Pharrell's 'Happy'

Sometimes you just have to let it all out.

Business News

Apple's Tim Cook Joins Tech CEOs in Blasting Indiana Religious Freedom Law

Opponents of the controversial law say it could allow companies to deny services to gay people.


Apple's Tim Cook on Leadership: 'The Most Important Data Points Are People'

Cook, who took over for Steve Jobs in 2011, stresses that CEOs need to make swift decisions.

Growing a Business

Tim Cook Reveals the Sectors Apple Wants to Conquer Next

Looking to the future, Cook says that work within the health-care sector may be one of Apple's biggest opportunities of all.

Business News

With ResearchKit, Apple Wants to Use Your iPhone For Medical Research

The opt-in program allows iPhone owners to participate in a number of medical research studies and creates new opportunities for startups.


HRH Prince Khaled bin Alwaleed bin Talal: Forging A KBW Investments Framework

HRH Prince Khaled bin Alwaleed bin Talal talks about entrepreneurship and his business ventures in the region.