Tim Cook: Page 9

Business News

With Big Solar Power Deal, Apple's Market Cap Closes Over $700 Billion

Apple set a record, becoming the first American company to close with such a high market cap.

Social Media

Mark Zuckerberg Slams Apple's CEO Over Comments About Customers

Facebook's co-founder has come out swinging against a letter written by Tim Cook criticizing ad-based businesses.


Tim Cook Is Wrong: You Really Can't Fire Someone For Being Gay

Tim Cook, in acknowledging his homosexuality, perpetuated a politically charged myth about gays in the workplace.


Tim Cook Is Gay. But As Apple's CEO, That Isn't His Biggest Revelation.

Cook knows his responsibilities as CEO of Apple. He proved that in his coming out.

Business News

How to List Your Business on Apple's New 'Maps Connect' Portal

Why you should add your company data to Apple Maps and how to get it done fast.

Business News

Apple Pay Officially Arrives Monday, Oct. 20

The new payments paradigm has been billed as a potential credit-card killer.


The iPhone 6 Presentation Shows Apple Still Rocks With Slides

The tech giant delivered the goods -- that is, exciting visuals without so many words -- when it unveiled its latest version of the popular smartphone.


The 5 Most Fascinating Things Tim Cook Told Charlie Rose

Riding high on record-breaking iPhone pre-orders, Tim Cook discussed television, competition and the art of simplicity in a brand new sit-down interview.


Leadership Lessons From Apple CEO Tim Cook

Remember when everyone said Tim Cook would change Apple after Steve Jobs? He did. For the better.

Business News

With the Apple Watch, It's Time for Smartwatches to Get Serious

Priced at $349 and available in an array of different face and band options, Apple's 'most personal product' will arrive early next year.

Business News

Here's How You Can Watch Apple's iPhone 6 Event Today

If you're an Apple fan, you won't want to miss a second.


For the Brand to Thrive, the Leader Must Be the Brand

In today's hyper-smart and sensitive culture, "brand" is bigger, and more valuable, than ever.


Should Gay CEOs Come Out of the Closet?

Why, in this day and age, are CEOs reluctant to go on the record as being gay? Should they be?


The 10 Most Eligible Bachelors of Silicon Valley

It may be the epicenter of innovation, but the Bay Area's top dating expert says Silicon Valley is also teeming with smart, wealthy bachelors.

Business News

Nike Reportedly Exiting the Wearable Hardware Game

The sportswear company is shifting its focus from hardware to software.