How To Make Your Mobile App Stand Out In A Crowd Behold these eighteen effective tips in mind, and you will be on your highway.
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"App design trends come and go, but being unique apps never goes out of style"
"Let's build an app and make million dollars." It is not all that same-simple-silly thing today as it used to be half decade ago. That is, building a great mobile application. The mobile app development ecosystem is flourishing in today's hyper-competitive market. Did you know that App Store grows by over 1.5k apps per day? That's not at all exaggerated, but a survey from Statista.
Most apps actually do get lost in the whirlpool of App stores. Generally, the discovery happens in the top 25 charts. Having said that, not surprisingly, most developers thrive to impinge on top 25. If it's accomplished, then download rates will skyrocket substantially. Before jumping to any conclusion on how to take a stand for your app to make it a pioneer, it's important to know some mobile app related statistics and noteworthy mentions. Today, it doesn't guarantee success like it was exercising before 5 years.
Indeed, it's about "Alluring the Audience'
What is the secret formula to make your app "The Slight Edge'?
The answer is pretty complicated. Nevertheless, the good news is that the most effective app-distribution or marketing strategy doesn't cost a dime. It's the small things that when done consistently and done over time lead to success.
It is necessary to keep up a perfect balance between mobile app development & marketing to assure sustainability of your app.
"Don't target 5% of larger audience but to try to get 80% of a smaller one'
The question remains the same: How to make your app stand out in the crowd that will make it unique?
Do you have any Succinct Solution?
Maybe, Application Performance:"Enticing through Excellence'. Will it alone make your app special?
Let's talk about it in detail. Do you wish to make your mobile application one of a kind? Behold these eighteen effective tips (not in order) in mind, and you will be on your highway.
1: A Name of the App
Wait, what? The name of the application should be trendy, thoughtful and tenacious. Second thing, it should be short and sweet. Third thing, it should be relating very closely to the genre of the mobile app. Check it out with an illustration: Messenger is succinct, related, looks cool when spoken, and uncommon. Adding "Z' in the end of the app or putting it in between the name, word juggling, Adding prefix and suffix to the nomenclature, etc., are modern ways to name the mobile applications.
1: Laudable Logo
The logo is an "Emblem' of Application. It's really really important how good the logo looks. It catches our attention. The most difficult thing to design a logo is that it should be as unique as possible but it should be simple, supreme and stunning. Whatsapp, Facebook, Hike, Viber, Snapchat, etc., have such logos that it's imprinted in our brain. It needs to be placid and paramount. That's the beauty of it.
2. App description in App Stores
"This app is very good. It has many features.It's free.'
"This app is made just for you, having fascinating features and marvelous interface. Moreover, it's free, free...'
Can you guess about the specialty of above two apps? Umm, both are same. Funny, isn't it? Yes, it is. When the user comes to "Play Store' without having any knowledge of your application, it's the app description that will lure him/her to click on the "Download' button. Well, they say it right "Content is the King'. It's not the matter of what you write; it's how you write. At any rate, you should write it right.
3. Videos and Screenshots
Sometimes, the app description doesn't explain the user what the application is about. Then, it's time for some pictorial representation. Of Course, Video, and Screenshots, to be precise, vivid video and salient screenshots will captivate the users to get the exact idea about the application. This is how an application is made unique. Phew!
4. Reviews (Genuine)
The question is "How can you purely judge an app on video, screenshots, and short description?'Here comes the answer. Users, directly or indirectly, always like to share their feedback whether the app was helpful or a complete nuisance. You can check the comments of "Genuine' users, I repeat, "Genuine Users' in the Review section below the app description. 1,2,3,4 or 5 Stars? The caliber of the mobile app is measured by the stars it gets.
5. Last updated
Some application starts well, gets more download but the consistency is not maintained. Obviously, there are few bugs and minor errors in every mobile application. Top Developers believe in updating it regularly so that the previous misfits get removed. You can see the "Last Updated' date below the Review section. That date should be as close as possible to the current time, that means the application was just recently updated.
6. Number of downloads
Simple as "Thumb Rule'. More the number of downloads, more is the popularity and more will be the user engagement. It's crystal clear that any dumb application will never reach a minimum threshold that a notable app. Wouldn't it be single-handedly enough to show that the app is standing up higher in the crowd?
7. Size of the application
"Oh God, I don't have adequate data-pack to download 28 MB application. Forget it'
"It's okay. It's just 5 MB app. Let's try it out. Please, turn on your Hotspot'
Is there any explanation required? The size of any mobile application matters a lot. Thus, developers always keep in mind that the size of the app so that the above conflict doesn't arise. Yes, indeed there is some heavy/bulky application whose size is 20+ MB but it should be worth and justify the sizing.
8. Exclusive: Be the trendsetter
People like exclusive things. They adore it. They appreciate it. Instead of enrolling in the already existed flow, why not to formulate something new? New, Exclusive, Unique. Whatsapp is the best illustration for this. No ads, No irritation to users; more user-friendly, more popular.
9. Aesthetics: Adaptable and Agile
The beauty (UI) should be amazing. When the user installs your app for the first time, in the first place their eyes will be drawn to the design only. " the First Impression is the best Impression'. Next:Making your app stand out from the crowd by delivering value and fullest customer experience.
10. Smooth as Butter
Level 1 crossed. Now then, users have installed and liked your design. The next crucial thing is how it works. Is it quick? Is it loading too much? Are there any bugs? Users are accustomed to a lot of options so if your app is not flawless then assume them gone forever.
11. Get feedback from users.
Your loyal and reliable users are your "Elixir-box. They tell it what they feel it. Their feedback is very authoritative. The valuable data they give can aid you to improve in further up-gradation in the app.
12. Change Over: Browsers to Downloaders
It is probably one of the toughest tasks but you have to do it? How? Usually, visitors are surfing always, looking for their benefit to get something expensive for the modest price. Entice your customers by telling that the deals, special offers, latest features, etc., are available only on mobile apps. Note: When they will download the mobile app, they are eager to see those features and specs; if they are not given what they were promised, you will lose him/her incessantly.
13. Price Tag: The more is not the merrier
The app analytics firm Distimo analyzed the impact of price changes across the top 400 apps globally. It said that 90% of users go for free mobile apps even though the paid app of the same category has plenty more features in it. This surely puts developer to think about it. In order to solve this hurdle, they have come up with one new strategy. Pro-theory. Primarily, the app is given for free but for more features users have to buy pro version. Hence, the user if satisfied with the free service will then think over to purchase the pro.
14. Brainstorming Promotional Strategy: Promote your app across several traffic sources
There are a lot of stores except the giants-Apple and Google. Doing that will not only increase the traffic but also enhance the brand awareness. This is one of the strategies marketers are applying to get the benefit.
15. Peeking into post-download activity
This is exigent. After the application is downloaded by the user, is it sitting idle on the home page or not even used once per week? That's sad, isn't it? Of course, with this scheme, the analysis can be made and the engagement can be increased resolving the weak pin-points.
16. Identifying the ingenious itinerary
Meaning: The Perfect route to the target market.
Once a user has been onboard, it's critical to keep them engaged with your application. Encouraging Your Customers to Share the Goodness is the best possible way to market your app. This shows that it is admired by the users using it and want to assist it to others. Distinguishing and Discovering the route to reach to your target market is one of the encouraging things you can do.
17. Remarkable SEO
You made a brilliant app. Cool. But it's not searchable and it's not in top 25. Well, it's badly sad. Search Engine Optimization should be as good as possible. It is the binocular of the mobile apps. It's apparent that SEO is a challenge to all the marketers and developers but it's the primary source to get their app on top.
18. Competition: Little fish in a big ocean
Totally: This point is advised/tip/suggestion under the category mobile app development.
Large markets have lots of competition which mean your burden to a position you as uniquely is quite high. Not insurmountable but a challenge nonetheless. What are you going to do to message appropriately? What tactics can you employ that drive enough customers to your door and not to your competitors? Your mobile app should strive hard and toil plenty even though it's unique and unparalleled. There are lots and lots of fishes (competitors) who are ready to replace you. You will never know; it's an ocean (market).
Everyone wants to be disruptive; but it's hard to make yourself stand out when your app designs look just like everyone else's i.e., wearing the same clothes as your neighbors.
In the first place, when you scroll through apps in photography, music, utilities, you will definitely see replicas of single apps. Imitation is the surest way to bore potential users. It's like asking anyone "Would you like to be drowned or burnt alive?' Either way, he is going to die. Similarly, copying, duplicity, and imitation don't last long.
At any rate, it's the unicity that matters. Are you contriving a way to make such unique mobile application? Don't think about how and when? Now is the time. And, that's how, my friends, you make your app stand out in a crowd. Haven't mobile app development reached a new level?