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Why Freelancing is the New Thing for First-Time Entrepreneurs From 2018 – Exploring Unconventional aspects Freelance entrepreneurs have more reasons to cheer about, than their conventional counterparts

By Rahul R

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With entrepreneurship now having taken the creative route, it is only imminent that this new trend catches up with people leading to a predicament wherein an increased number of the vast majority turn towards Creative Entrepreneurship in some way or the other. At this juncture, it is worth noting that creative entrepreneurship could also be accomplished in a hassle-free manner and right from the comfort of home. The easiest way to indulge in this is by turning freelance to do a variety of things.

Also, with 2018 being viewed, by the first-timer Indian entrepreneurial community, as a breakthrough year with respect to indulging in unconventional and creative aspects, freelancing also qualifies as one among these opportunities; Entrepreneur India analyses why this trend could become a potential trendsetter from the mid of 2018 and for the years to come.

  • Comfort and ease: In freelance mode, entrepreneurs are not required to stick to fixed timing schedules thereby acquiring plenty of time at hand to carefully decide on the project which is worth investing effort in. Also, with the modern work culture slowly showing signs of deviating from a regular 9 AM to 6 Pm work schedule, it only makes sense to invest time completely in a creative activity (exploring passions) rather than being stuck in office.

  • Bond with like-minded people: With time on their side, freelance entrepreneurs could network intensively with like-minded entrepreneurs and come up with newer ideas so as to further their passions whilst working freelance. Bonding with like-minded individuals (other freelance first-time entrepreneurs) should potentially result in newer collaborations to disrupt an already existing market.

  • Delve deep into anything: The biggest advantage for freelance entrepreneurs is the fact that they could get to delve deep into whatever projects they work on. Through this, unknown facets of various aspects come to the fore, resulting in potential discoveries. The best illustrations of this aspect are freelance journalists who have time to dig deep into any story they work on thereby bringing out the truth in a comparatively more transparent manner (due to more time on their hands) than their deadline-obsessed conventional counterparts.

  • Explore new cultures: Working freelance potentially connects the entrepreneurs with new people and new cultures; thereby according new experiences which could soothe both the mind and the soul. The potential to explore uncharted waters is also high in these ventures.

Devote time for others: Freelance entrepreneurs stand better chances at contributing to a cause; such as devoting time for the betterment of people and causes associated with humanity. An example here would be entrepreneurs turning into philanthropic entrepreneurs during natural calamities and ensuring that humanity is displayed in affected regions. Also, motivational speaking is another trend which could enable entrepreneurs contribute to causes of upliftment of others and thereby potentially yield unconventional and lateral solutions to issues.
Rahul R

Former Staff

Rahul R is a media professional with over 6 years of experience. Prior to Entrepreneur India, Rahul was a Senior Technical Journalist at EFY digital magazine. 

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