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Why Developing Right Content Should Come First For Start-up Branding Investing in content has the same importance as enhancing the qualities of products/services.

By Baishali Mukherjee

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Tinder profiles without a bio (description) are less likely to get a match. Same goes for your start-up. Without proper branding your enterprise is very less likely to earn a name in the market. Branding is something you can't ignore while you are planning to set up your own business.

Gone are the days when simply spreading the word like "Guys my mom makes some really good cupcakes, come and have some at a really great price" did the job. Even these days having a cool name and a unique logo also won't help. These are already in use by leaders in the market and competing with them in this aspect is really a difficult task.

According to Subhasis Chatterjee, a Web Journalist, a Content Architect and Content Analyst, this calls for proper branding, specifically "developing content' about your enterprise, and its products and services. "This is the "X factor' that can create a difference between you and others in the market. Content is something that works in transforming your start-up from just an enterprise to a "reflection of trust' for your customers," he emphasized.

Not Just Content But Strong Content

Chatterjee also believes that investing in writing a good content has the same importance as enhancing the qualities of products/services. "The history behind the start-up idea, the journey from present to past, stories behind the products etc - are some of the content that can create a strong connection between you and your customers. Using proper SEO methods, you can top the search list of a potential customer who will read the content and decide to connect with your enterprise," he opined.

By now you must have understood the point that not only developing content, but developing a strong content will make the bond between you and your customers stronger.

Shounak Pal Shounak Pal, founder, Papyrofix, a content development platform, firmly believes that a brand name is the promise made to the customer about the quality of the product or service. "It gives them a clear picture of what kind of services they can expect from you, the quality of the services and it differentiates your brand from other competitors. "Your Brand Name is derived from what you do,'" explained Pal.

Content Creates Connect

This is where Content comes into play. Content paves the way for how your audience will connect with you and what sets your company apart. "It is what helps your brand to reach out to the target customers in such a huge market. They receive all the required information directly from you rather than via any third party media outlets," elaborated the expert in content writing.

Also if you start by creating a blog for your company with all the details along with those of the Founders and Co-Founders, it gives you an edge over your competitors. Once your story reaches out to the target audience by proper SEO, it will bring in good number of organic traffic to your site and provide good rankings.

There are several small companies who ignore their content. But, Pal warned that ignoring content is like creating a matrimony profile without any information, and just with a picture. "If your market cannot connect with you through your content, even if you provide top quality services, you may never get a chance to showcase that," he cautioned.

You can have a brand or a service for which you are confident to have a lot of potential customers. However, mere existence of such customers will not help, you need to reach out to them. For Sruti Kanta Mishra, founder, Maiestas Technologies Pvt. Ltd, drafting a robust content is the answer.

"The exercise begins with complete comprehension of what to write and also where to share. Posting your content on definite places and platforms will not only help you organise the content but will also assist in reaching out and having a fair idea about the target customers," she notified.

However, before writing the first draft of your content, Mishra wants you to keep these in mind - know the customer well and analyze his/her requirements. These, she feels, will help in creating better selling strategies through the content. "Do proper homework on the places frequented by your potential customers including Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. These exercises will enable you to structure the content for brand building.

So all the aspiring brand-enthusiasts out these start with your content if you want to build your brand!

Baishali Mukherjee

Former Freelancer

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