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Living the Life of a Digital Nomad Only those who are courageous enough are the ones who succeed in exploring a completing different kind of life- the life of a digital nomad.

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Are you one of those people who feel suffocated working in the same office cubicle every day?

There are many who have almost reached the point of burnout, have stopped enjoying their work and wish to run away. Yet, only a few think about taking the plunge and finding the life that exists elsewhere. And, there are many who have the itch to be on the move all the time yet they stick to their office cubicle because they don't know how to fund their wanderlust.

Only those who are courageous enough are the ones who succeed in exploring a completing different kind of life- the life of a digital nomad.

How do Digital Nomads Survive?

The advent of technology and internet has made it viable to lead the independent and carefree lifestyle of digital nomads. There is an array of freelance jobs available in the online world for those who are proficient in a skill or profession, thereby, making it possible for them to make reliable money online.

"This kind of lifestyle always felt like a pipeline. I wanted to give the Blogging career a try for a long time but couldn't gather the courage to give up on a handsome paying office job. When my burnout became sinister, I knew it was time to throw off the shackles and put my writing skills to a test and give this unique career a try," quotes Swati Kadam, a freelance web content writer.

The digital nomads fund their wanderlust and manage their day-to-day expenses by accumulating money they earn online. All they need is a laptop, reliable internet connection; requisite skills and they are ready to go!

Bernard Vukas lives idyllic digital nomad lifestyle and earns world-class wages by working as a freelance software developer. From earning $10 an hour to $150 per hour, his story is a perfect example of work being done online from a remote location using modern collaboration tools and thus, living the life of a digital nomad.

Becoming a Digital Nomad is all About Listening to Your Heart

Henrik Jeppesen, a famous Danish travel blogger and a business graduate, has traveled every country in the world on a shoestring budget and has his experiences to share. Even though the lifestyle of a digital nomad is sustainable and dynamic, there are things to figure out. It's not simply about jumping the bandwagon but it is about listening to the true calling of your heart. You need to thoroughly understand if this is something you truly want to do. Once you get that clarity, there should be no looking back.

Success for Digital Nomads

According to Digital Nomad Rob Cubbon, who started as a blogger but is now involved in a wide variety of work online, "There is no clear-cut blueprint or secret that people may deploy to become successful in making money online."

Ankush Lamba, Marketing and Business Development at CM Labs simulations, happens to be a travel enthusiast. He has traveled to 32 countries so far and his journey continues. On being asked if he would ever be willing to give up his conventional 9 to 5 job if given a chance to satiate his wanderlust, he replies, "I don't know if success for digital nomads means the same as for people working in the same office every day. I mean, I for one, wouldn't mind working remotely from exotic locations even if it means compromising on income or certain other benefits associated with conventional jobs, which traditionally have been measures of a successful career."

Some Final Words

For those who wish to live the life of a digital nomad, it is, therefore, all about making personal choices in life- what suits you better and what makes you happier!

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