Amy M Chambers: Page 2
Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
Amy Chambers, former COO, spent 21 years in financial services. She’s now a success coach, leadership consultant and the author of the #1 bestselling books, 7 V.I.R.T.U.E.S. of Exceptional Leaders and 6 H.A.B.I.T.S. of Powerful People. She completed her undergrad at Notre Dame and her MBA at USC.
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These 4 Daily Choices Helped Me Pave My Own Path to the C-Suite by Age 36
"Just work hard" used to be all it took to get to the top. Today's business landscape often values much more than this. Being innovative, agile and proactive are the skills that win the game today. Here's how you can use them to differentiate yourself.
Adopta estas 4 prácticas para superar tus impulsos negativos
La vida nos llega a una velocidad vertiginosa y puede ser fácil vivirla en piloto automático. Sin embargo, a veces eso nos lleva a actuar impulsivamente (y de maneras que descarrilan nuestro éxito). Sigue estas cuatro prácticas para asegurarte de que eso no te suceda.
Adopt These 4 Practices to Override Your Negative Impulses
Life comes at us at breakneck speed, and it can be easy to live it on autopilot — however, sometimes that leads to us acting impulsively (and in ways that derail our success). Follow these four practices to ensure that doesn't happen to you.
Become Unrecognizable By the End of Summer With These 6 Habits
Summer is often a time of rest, relaxation and socializing. But, summer can also be a time for improving and living our best lives. Follow these six healthy habits and you're bound to make this summer one you'll never forget.
Ojalá hubiera sabido estas cuatro cosas antes de empezar mi propio negocio
Empezar un negocio es, cuando menos, un trabajo arduo. Aquí te presento cuatro lecciones que me hubiera gustado que alguien me enseñara antes de comenzar mi negocio, así que te las voy a compartir.
I Wish I Knew These Four Things Before Starting My Own Business
Starting a business is hard work to say the least. These are four lessons I wish someone had shared with me before going solo, so I'm here to share them with you.