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How to Train Your Inner Voice to Appreciate Solitude and Silence Negative Thinking
Spending quality time alone is crucial for deep work, but you have to know how to manage your mind. Here's how to do it.
Según nuevas investigaciones, 4 de cada 5 empleados quieren aprender a usar la IA en el trabajo — y es responsabilidad de los líderes enseñarles. Aquí te decimos cómo
Descubre estrategias para promover el aprendizaje y desarrollo continuos, requisitos para sobrevivir en el lugar de trabajo actual, cada vez más impulsado por la inteligencia artificial.
4 in 5 Employees Want to Learn How to Use AI at Work, New Research Shows — and It's on Leaders to Teach Them. Here's How.
Discover strategies for promoting continuous learning and development, a requisite for survival in today's increasingly AI-powered workplace.
რატომ არის უფრო მნიშვნელოვანი დამაჯერებელი იყოთ, ვიდრე დიდი იდეა გქონდეთ
ბევრ ანტრეპრენერს შესანიშნავი იდეები აქვს, მაგრამ მხოლოდ წარმატებულებმა იციან, როგორ გაყიდონ ისინი
The Most Innovative Leaders Use These 3 Mental Models to Unlock Their Best Ideas
Mental models help us to understand things more fully and come up with smarter, more groundbreaking solutions. Here are three mental models you can use to grow, innovate and think differently.
Tu ética de trabajo no es el problema: Desarmando tres mitos modernos de la productividad
La productividad es un dilema ancestral. Antes de intentar resolverlo, considera si estás haciendo las preguntas correctas.